A centre of expertise in digital information management UKOLN is supported by: UKOLN Support for MDOs Museum Development Officers Briefing day Collections Trust 23 Nov 2009 London Ann Chapman
A centre of expertise in digital information management UKOLN … Aims to inform practice and influence policy in: digital libraries, information systems, bibliographic management, and web technologies Carries out research with a range of UK and international partners Provides network information services, including the Ariadne magazine Runs workshops and conferences
A centre of expertise in digital information management Cultural Heritage Web Site Focus on digital information in the cultural heritage sector –Topics of interest to the sector –Demonstrate use of Web 2.0 tools and services –Resources developed for workshops and seminars focusing on the sector –Brings together other materials scattered over main UKOLN web site
A centre of expertise in digital information management Meet and Learn Events Introduction to Web 2.0 and the Social Web –1 day Workshop series Recent: Preston, Devizes Dec. 2009: London, Leeds, Leicester Early 2010: Dulwich, Chelmsford –Presentations, hands-on time, break-out discussions, networking time –Develop a personal action plan –Slides and other materials available from event page –Wiki for these workshops
A centre of expertise in digital information management IntroBytes Concise briefing documents –Web 2.0, blogging, social networks, digital preservation, legal issues …and more 72 to date Often developed as resources for events Web page and Word version for A5 double- sided printing
A centre of expertise in digital information management Cultural Heritage Blog When –Started Jan Who: –Regular posters: Brian Kelly, Marieke Guy, Ann Chapman –Guest posts What: –News items, reflections –Ideas for using Web 2.0 tools or services –Posts on other Ukoln blogs
A centre of expertise in digital information management Web 2.0 in Action Bookshelf – using LibraryThing Ariadne digest – using Delicious tags Blogs Directory examples – using Dipity Event location map – using ACME GeoRSS
A centre of expertise in digital information management Find out more heritage/ heritage/ heritage/events/ heritage/events/ heritage/documents/ heritage/documents/
A centre of expertise in digital information management Contact details Ann Chapman