Parents Code of Conduct I will I will remember that the game is for the children – not adults. I will never ridicule or yell at my child or other participants for making a mistake or losing a competition. I will refrain from coaching my child or other players during games and practices, unless I am one of the official coaches of the team. Set a good example. Children learn best by example. Applaud good plays by my team and by members of the opposing team. Never leave my child alone without informing the coach or asking another parent present to look after my child’s welfare. With the Officials I will Not publicly question umpire’s judgment and never their honesty. Remember that only the coach should question an umpire's call relating to the proper interpretation of a rule. Judgment calls should not be questioned. Remember that umpires are usually parents just like me and they are there to help make my child’s youth baseball experiences a positive one. They need my support by refraining from umpiring from the sidelines. As a volunteer organization, there’s always an opportunity for me to take an interest umpiring. Remember that the umpire does not care who wins. Any mistakes they make are honest ones, and my children need to know that I believe this. Being an umpire is a difficult job, and I will do my best to respect their job. With my child’s team I will Respect and support all players, the manager and the coaches. Remember that coaches are usually parents just like me. They volunteer time to help make my child’s youth baseball experiences a positive one. They need my support by refraining from coaching from the sidelines. As a volunteer organization, there’s always an opportunity for me to take an interest in coaching. Recognize the value and importance of volunteer coaches and give them their due respect. Without them, there would be no baseball or softball program. With my child I will Through encouragement and good example, help assure that all the boys and girls learn good sportsmanship and self-discipline. I will praise my child for competing fairly and trying hard, and make my child feel like a winner every time. Remember that parents serve as role models for their children. I will support all efforts to remove verbal and physical abuse from youth sports activities. Remember that my child is the one playing baseball, not me. Should a parent have any questions or comments regarding coaching decisions or direction regarding their son’s playing time, position played, batting order, or game time strategy, we welcome any feedback as long as it is provided in a courteous, professional manner and is done privately away from the players. Should a parent have any guidance and direction for their son during game time, feel free to pull a coach to the side and share with us your observations which we will be glad to incorporate into our game time coaching. Lastly, please refrain from any and all negativity in the stands during the game time and in the presence of other parents, family and friends. Please provide acknowledgement of your review and understanding of the Matrix 12U Team Rules and Code of Conduct by signing below: Signature of Player:_______________________________ Signature of Parent/Guardian:_______________________ Date:___________________________________________