EEI Gloria Fuertes in Gijón
There are general rules for the whole school: Standing in a row until the bell sounds Wearing a tabard everyday Having water for drink or fruit some days It is forbidden to have sweeties at school For parents they are explained at the beginning of the year. For children they are shown at the beginning of the first term. COMMON RULES
Another rules are only for every classroom. 1.They are an agreement of the teacher and the students 2.They are shown at the beginning of school as golden rules 3.It includes the kind of behaviour that children are expected CLASSROOM RULES
Discipline and Emotional Education First of all children need: Feelings: Identifying How You Feel Recognising and being able to name our feelings.
Recognising and being able to name others feelings Empathy
Self-regulation The way we handle our emotions to avoid negative effects: children are asked to talk about what happen Instead of fighting. Resolving conflicts and if not is possible, a punishment
Golden rules Do not run inside the school, shout. Turns to speak are written as the golden rules for five years old children
3 years old They are expected to know the rules observing and reflecting with the images 4 years old: Image and text is shown.