C OMPLETE F ILES U SED TO D ETERMINE E LIGIBILITY Must include in every member/staff file the Identity Verification and Criminal History Consideration form Identity Verification and Criminal History Consideration Program Director signs off on completion of checks Not just clearance letters from HR department Any information used, i.e. Criminal History if required, NSOPR dated printouts, CPS response from VDSS
S TORAGE AND REVIEWABILITY Records may be stored at any secure location as long as they are accessible for timely routine use by the program, as well as by OVCS and CNCS for oversight and monitoring Files must be able to be reviewed. If an organization feels that they are unable to keep files or make them available for review, they MUST file an Alternate Search Procedure (see ASP PowerPoint)
C ONFIDENTIALITY Check information should be maintained in a secure location under the control of an authorized records custodian, with access permitted only to individuals who have an official need to review the information.
W HAT I F ….. Our agency HR reviews and just sends us a clearance or failure notice. Is that OK? OVCS/CNCS policy is that applicants are ineligible if they have a murder or sex offense. You may impose stricter regulations, but must state it in your policy Just be clear in your Program Design how you will review and determine eligibility. Monitoring will confirm that you are doing what you said you would do The information used to make a decision must be reviewable. If it is not, you must request an Alternate Search Procedure
NSOPR D OCUMENTATION The results of an NSOPR check would be a dated screen printout of an executed, nationwide search. Program Director must sign the results sheet to show that information was looked at, researched, and used in decision-making
S TATE /FBI CHECK Form SP-24 will be returned by Virginia State Police with a Pass/Fail for State and FBI If Pass for both, FBI/State is complete If fail for either, your files should include actual Criminal History Record requests and documentation
A CCOMPANIMENT If members/staff are in service/employed before all parts of check are complete: Record of accompaniment must be in file Hours/date, who accompanied, who was accompanied, signatures
CPS C HECK CPS check form returned by VDSS If cleared in Section 3 of form, check is complete If additional action is required, documentation of that additional research and completion must be included
K EY P OINTS If it isn’t a part of the file, it doesn’t exist Include anything needed to ensure that a reviewer can see that the check is complete Maintain confidentiality Must be reviewable Request ASP for valid reasons it can’t be (i.e., State law)