FAIR – Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research FAIR APPA collaborations) Atomic Physics SPARC: 270 members from 28 countries FLAIR: 150 members from 15 countries Plasma Physics HEDgeHOB & WDM: 150 members from 14 countries Materials Research and Biophysics BIOMAT: 30 members from 10 countries Extreme Static Fields Extreme Dynamic Fields Very High Energy Densities and Pressures Antimatter and Fundamental Physics
Research Focus: Matter under Extreme Conditions APPA Highest Charge States Extreme Static Fields Relativistic Energies Extreme Dynamical Fields and Ultrashort Pulses High Intensities Very High Energy Densities and Pressures High Charge at Low VelocityLarge Energy Deposition Contributions to Solving Grand Challenges fusion energy research... behaviour of compound materials cancer therapy... response of cells to irradiation by heavy ions Energy Health Aeronautics, Space aerospace engineering... active and passive radiation shielding of cosmic radiation
Thomas Stöhlker 1st October 2008 Heidelberg 3 The Physics of Highly Charged Ions test of bound state QED in the critical field limit correlated many-body effects on the atomic structure and dynamics precision determination of fundamental constants determination of nuclear properties
Experimental Facilities Novel Instrumentation NESR FLAIR Stored and Cooled From Rest to Relativistic Energies: Highly-Charged Ions and Exotic Nuclei Intense Beams of Radioactive Isotopes Intense Source of Virtual X Rays XUV Energies via Lorentz Boost of Optical Wavelengths PAIR PRODUCTIONCHANNELING High Energy Cave SIS100/300
EM-Field of Relativistic Projectiles: Extreme Dynamic Fields The Equivalent photon field of relativistic ions Extreme EM fields, ultrashort and almost no momentum transfer. Ideal for tracking the correlated motion of bound electrons. The control of the impact parameter is most important.
National Research Council, US on AMO Physics (2008) "... Thus the technologies are complementary (intense laser and ion beams) and both are likely to lead to new insights in high-intensity science." New Opportunities in Collisions with relativistic Heavy Ion Beams and othe New Ion Facilities
(Ultra) Relativistic Ion-Atom Collisions Dynamically induced strong fields result in a large number of atomic processes 8 Bound-free pair production limits the performance of the LHC at CERN! CERN Courier 47 (2007) 7 Z1Z1 Z2Z2 e + e - Large Hadron Collider
Thomas Stöhlker Kiev, March 2008 AP+PP 8 New Experimental Storage Ring NESR gas jet target ultracold electron target electron cooler NESR stable and exotic ions Instrumentation Ultracold electron target Internal Target (atomic, cluster, micro-cluster) In-Ring Recoil Momentum Microscope High Resolution X-Ray and Electron Spectrometers Highly Intense Laser Beams
Intense Laser Hydrogen E K = eV = 1 V/cm Z = 1 Z = 92 H-like Uranium E K = -132 10 3 eV = 1.8 V/cm Atomic Physics in Extremly Strong Coulomb Fields Self Energy Vacuum Polarization ( Z) 4 F( Z) m e c 2 theory of bound-state QED still valid at high-Z ? 1s, 2s Lamb Shift g-factor of bound electrons hyperfine structure precision mass measurements super-critical fields
Merged Beams Supercritical fields U 92+ U 91+ < 5 MeV/u Formation of a Quasi-Molecule E(r) 2p 1s time W. Greiner GSI-Workshop 1996 E [keV] negative continuum
FAIR will open a new route in HEDP/WDM research Physics program – fundamental properties of matter under extreme conditions Equation-of-state of HED matter basic thermodynamic properties of matter in unexplored regions of the phase diagram (two-phase regions, critical points, non-ideal plasmas) Phase transitions and exotic states of matter metal-to-insulator or plasma phase transition, hydrogen metallization problem, etc. Transport and radiation properties of HED matter electrical and thermal conductivity, opacity, etc. Stopping properties of non-ideal plasma anomalous temperature and density dependence heavy ion stopping and charge-exchange cross sections HED regions of Pb EOS accessible at FAIR
High Energy Density Matter High Energy Density Matter (Warm Dense Matter) T ~ 2,000 – 200,000 K ρ ~ solid density P ~ kbar, Mbar Intense heavy ion beam is an excellent tool to generate large-volume uniform HED samples
Plasma Physics with Intense Photon and Ion Beams Relevant for astrophysics, planetary science, inertial confinement fusion research, material science under extreme conditions Measurements are required for guidance of theoretical models Strongly coupled plasmas, Γ=E C / E KIN > 1 Temperature [eV] Jupiter Laser Heating Sun Surface Magnetic Fusion solid state density Density [cm -3 ] PHELIX Sun Core Inertial Fusion Energy XFEL SIS 18 Ion Beam Heating SIS 100 Strongly coupled plasmas Ideal plasmas FLASH
Intense heavy ion beam is an excellent tool to generate large-volume uniform HED samples Intense heavy ion beams: large volume of sample (mm 3 ) fairly uniform physical conditions high high densities high rep. rate and reproducibility any target material Traditional drivers: sample dimensions / gradients rep. rate / statistics conditions for diagnostics cost of experiment
HEDgeHOB collaboration will construct and run at FAIR two main HEDP experiments: HIHEX and LAPLAS HIHEX Heavy Ion Heating and Expansion uniform quasi-isochoric heating of a large-volume dense target isentropic expansion in 1D plane or cylindrical geometry Numerous high-entropy HED states: EOS and transport properties of e.g., non-ideal plasmas, WDM and critical point regions for various materials LAPLAS Laboratory Planetary Sciences hollow (ring-shaped) beam heats a heavy tamper shell cylindrical implosion and low-entropy compression Mbar moderate temperatures: high-density HED states, e.g. hydrogen metallization problem, interior of Jupiter and Saturn
SIS-100SIS-100 SIS-18SIS-18 HIHEXHIHEX LAPLASLAPLAS pi-Radpi-Rad from SIS-100 from SIS-18 Plasma Physics Plasma physics beam lines and the experimental area PW Laser HEDgeHOB
Atomic Physics - channeling experiments - detector tests Materials Research - high pressure irradiations - radiation hardness of solids - simulation of fragmented beams Objectives Irradiation Parameters Energy: MeV/u Intensities:2 Ne/spill 2 10 9 U/spill Spill rate:< 1 Hz Spill length:200 ns – 10 s Ion range:mm - cm SIS beamline cave A diamond- anvil cell sample 2 – 3 mm irradiation of pressurized samples
~ 200 MeV/u relativistic ions (e.g., Au, Pb, U Irradiation experiments with pressurized samples 50 GeV7 GeV
Motivation in Geosciences track formation ↔ temperature track formation ↔ pressure ? temp. & pressure ? fission tracks in minerals dating spontaneous fission fission fragments 238 U daughter nucleus 1 daughter nucleus MeV Earth’s interior: 25 C/km - 50 MPa/km
1 University of Michigan, 2 GSI Helmholtzzentrum Sample: Gd 2 Zr 2 O 7 pyrochlore at 200 kbar 1 bar, before irradiation ions + pressure (202 kbar) only pressure (215 kbar) new unknown stable phase relax to 1 bar high-pressure phase (known) disordered phase (known) relax to 1 bar cotunnite-like high-pressure phase (known) defect-fluorite cotunnite-like U ions (45 GeV) SIS diamond anvil cell