Lets study together Sense and Reference
Sense The relationship inside the language that creates meaning. It is related with the complex system of relationship between one linguistic element with other linguistic elements such as (word-word, phrase –phrase, etc). E.g. Every house has got a main bedroom. Every –house has different sense with individual word, every and house
Reference The relationships between language and the world It deals with the relationship between the language elements (word, phrase, and clause) and the non linguistic elements (the world of experience) E.g William Shakespeare lived in this house William Shakespeare indicates a person while this house indicates a thing
Try to determine the reference The morning star K.H. Abdurrahman Wahid The president Black board
Sometimes same word have more than one sense 1. The bank of Tokyo The bank of Musi 2. A mug of milk He is a famous mug 3. Hak manusia Hak sepatu
Analyze the following sentences. Does it have one sense or more ? How many reference does it Luna Maya is engaged to Ariel. Buku dijual ibu Flying plane is dangerous.
Referring expression Any expression used in an utterance to refer to someone or something Example: Y : “John hit the cat”. In this utterance, the name John refers to someone, while the expression the cat refers a certain cat. Thus, John and the cat are referring expression
Type of Referring expression DefinitenessCollectiveness DefiniteCollective IndefiniteDistributive
Referring expression can occur in the form of proper name, noun, or noun phrase. Definite referring expressions refer to an identifiable individual or class (The Dalai Lama; The Coldstream Guards; the student with the highest marks) Indefinite referring expressions allow opportunity in identifying the referent (a corrupt Member of Parliament; a cat with black ears - where a is to be interpreted as 'any' or 'some actual but unspecified').
Collective reference is the picking out of the members of a set as a set, Distributive reference is the picking out of the members of a set individually. Compare the examples; Manchester United won again today (where the reference of Manchester United is to members of the team as a unit), with Manchester United wear red shirts and black shorts (where the reference of Manchester United is to the team members as individuals). The difference may not be marked linguistically, but arrived at by interpretation in context.
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