BRONZE, SILVER & GOLD AWARD CELEBRATION MAY 17, 2009 – 3:00 – 5:30 PM (location removed for security – contact event organizer for details) Please accept this invitation to our first ever celebration in recognition for the girls in Forsyth County who have completed the requirements to receive their Bronze, Silver, or Gold Award. This ceremony will allow each girl to be recognized by their troop leaders or advisor and receive their pin. The troop is responsible for paying and bringing their pins or other recognition to give to the girls that day. The committee is planning a great ceremony and with your help, these girls will have a special day to remember for a long time. The ceremony will begin at 3pm on Sunday, May 17th. We will be serving cake and refreshments after the ceremony and expect to be completed by 5:30pm. We are asking the troop leaders to send a collection of pictures or video that we can use in a presentation for the girls. Please forward these electronically to Lisa Tourtillott by Monday, May 4th. In addition, we are asking that each girl or troop say a small statement about their project before getting pinned that day. Just a few sentences are Please R.S.V.P. utilizing the second page of this flyer to Stacey Lee at There is no fee for this event so you do not need to mail in your form, unless you would like to. We are asking that we limit the number of attendees to the parents of the girls receiving the awards and their leaders. If we find that we have more room, we will let you know when we send out the confirmation. We are also looking for a couple of Junior or older girl troops that would be willing to perform the flag ceremony and help serve the cake/punch after the ceremony. Please contact Stacey Lee if you would be willing to do either. If you have any questions regarding this event, please contact one of the committee members: Lisa Tourtillott Penny Twitchell Stacey Lee Kathy Howard Lisa Pirrello
BRONZE, SILVER & GOLD AWARD CELEBRATION MAY 17, 2009 – 3:00 – 5:30 PM Please provide each girl’s first and last name and a brief description of their project. Please include additional paper if needed. _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ Troop Number: _________________ Age level: _____________________ Number of girls receiving awards: _____________________ Number of additional parent/sibling attendees: ___________ Please return to Stacey Lee by May 4 th at or 4330 Brumby Lane, Cumming, GA