Pressure drops over cooling pipes Richard French, Richard Bates, Alex Bitadze
Aim Measure pressure drops over different cooling pipes IDs Measure as a function of – Power on modules – Temperature of CO2 Study temperature drops over the cooling pipe at points along the pipe Measure temperature at points of power input and no input – Allows for a measure of HTC
How to put the heat in Use the electrical conductivity of the pipe as a heater – Used for already by others for thin walled pipes – Requires quite a lot of current – have power supplies at CERN that are fine Use brazed copper connectors to the pipe – Allows for heat to be applied along sections with low electrical resistivity
Status First electrical connectors prototyping done at Sheffield – Need to check as heating elements in Glasgow at end of July Alex is ready to set up DAQ system based on SCT cooling system tests Will need to book use of CERN CO2 rig – Only do this when we have the mechanics ready Alex to stay on at CERN for the next year (Associated to Glasgow) to perform tests