ISHTAR PROJECT WP8 Software Integration
14/05/2001ISHTAR PROJECT WP82 WP 8 Software Integration and Interfacing WP8 ROLE WP8 is the place where the various software tools will be integrated and interfaced, and finally transformed in a user friendly software system that consultants and administrations will be able to use in the framework of an integrated analysis of the effects of their possible choices for the improvement of life quality in our cities. PARTNERS : INRETS - CIR (F)
14/05/2001ISHTAR PROJECT WP83 WP8 TECHNICAL OBJECTIVES To build a tool capable of integrating a chain of modules provided by WP1, WP2, WP3, WP4, WP6, WP7, WP9 ; offering a user friendly interface, including the inter-connection of the pieces of software; providing results from WP3, WP4, WP6 and WP7, these results being usable in WP9. Presenting results via a G.I.S.
14/05/2001ISHTAR PROJECT WP84 METHODOLOGY n Specify exchange processes between software modules coming from the other WPs n Build the suite of integrated software tools (see next figure)
14/05/2001ISHTAR PROJECT WP85 Main INPUT data city areas population data meteo data geographical data infrastructure /buildings link geometry, buildings, location of specific points/areas other sources of pollution Urban policies SWP1 Traffic models SWP2 Emission/cons. + noise + safety model SWP3 Dispersion model SWP4 Health Impact model SWP6 Impacts/monuments SWP7 surfaces of monuments / buildings Policies Analysis SWP9 geographical data residence/work population movements, habits, time activities pollutant emission, fuel consumption, noise, safety quantities/ link/ time periods Emissions maps OUTPUT emission factors city traffic parameters traffic profiles, fleet composition fleet age network links, nodes link characteristics (slope, length, altitude) traffic data /link/time periods maps of traffic OD matrices maps of population movements concentrations, noise quantities/ spatial areas/ time periods Map of pollution pollutant doses / areas / time periods doses /social groups / time periods, health risks/social groups maps of doses, health risks / social groups damages on monuments and artistic heritage
14/05/2001ISHTAR PROJECT WP86 METHODOLOGY (2) n Build a User Interface around a GIS software u to integrate the modules u to provide a user friendly interface u to display results on maps (see next figure)
14/05/2001ISHTAR PROJECT WP87 Software Architecture HUMAN MACHINE INTERFACE SWP8 GIS SWP2 traffic SWP3 SWP4 SWP6 SWP7 SWP9 Benefits SWP1 OD matrices Policies pollution, noise pollution, noise, safety health risk monument damages
14/05/2001ISHTAR PROJECT WP88 LINKS TO OTHER WPs n INPUT TO WP8 : WP1, WP2, WP3, WP4, WP6, WP7, WP9 n WP8 involved in cases studies performed within WP5 (Validation and Application)
14/05/2001ISHTAR PROJECT WP89 WP8 Activities n Activity 8.1 : Data and software review and definition of user requirements n Activity 8.2 : Integrated software specification n Activity 8.3 : Integrated software and handbook manual writing n Activity 8.4 : Monitoring of the use of the suite in the case studies analysis
14/05/2001ISHTAR PROJECT WP810 WP8 timetable of activities month 6 month 12 month 24 month 34 Activity 8.1 Activity 8.2 Activity 8.3 Activity 8.4
14/05/2001ISHTAR PROJECT WP811 Activity 8.1 : Data and software review and definition of user requirements u study of existing data and software, from reviews and selection of models from WP1 to WP9 u review of user needs and requirements u results : F document of status of software and data involved in IHSTAR suite F document of user requirements
14/05/2001ISHTAR PROJECT WP812 Activity 8.2 : Integrated software specification u specification of the overall architecture of the final tool F definition of the flows of input and output data in the suite and format of data exchanged F definition of the inter-connections of software modules u specification of the HMI, with a GIS connection u results : document of specification of architecture and interface of ISHTAR suite
14/05/2001ISHTAR PROJECT WP813 Activity 8.3 : Integrated software and handbook manual writing u development of the integrated software and HMI u results : the ISHTAR suite
14/05/2001ISHTAR PROJECT WP814 Activity 8.4 : Monitoring of the use of the suite in the case studies analysis u use of ISHTAR tool on real data u results : the reference user’s manual of ISHTAR suite