Reliability Engineering in Mechanical Engineering Project II Group #1: 천문일, 최호열
Conclusion from Project #1: Data set n=26 ξ m
Conclusion from Project #1: Data set n=28 μ298.4 σ227.3
Determining Strength/Stress Data set# DataMean Data set # Data set # > 1 Data 1 : Stress Data 2 : Strength
Reliability Calculation Methods
Calculations using equations from project I Data #1: mean rank, Weibull distribution: Fsigma(x)= 1-(exp(-(x/327.01)^ )) Data #2: mean rank, normal distribution: Fstrength(x)= 0.5*(1+erf((x-298.4)/(227.3*sqrt(2))))
Probability Distribution Function f(stress) x Range: to 1000
Calculations through Origin program Using Integrate() function on origin, we determined our values to be: R= Pf=
Using Data Sets
CDF Value Graph of Data Values don’t match one to one Interpolation needed
Lower Limit (Reliability) R= Pf(upper)=
Upper Limit (Reliability) R= Pf(lower)=
Triangle method (Reliability) R= Pf=
Verifying Lower and Upper Limit Reliability Values R(lower)= R(upper)= R(average)= =R(triangle) Pf(upper)= Pf(lower)= Pf(average)= =Pf(triangle)
Summary ValueLowerUpperTrianglePDF R ValueUpperLowerTrianglePDF Pf Sum1111 Conclusion: The most strict method is the Lower method (lowest R value) The method with the closest value to PDF method is the Upper Method.