Romanticism Collect Complete Sentence Outlines Warm Up Benchmark 2 Characteristics of Romanticism Homework
Warm Up What does it mean to call something Romantic? Describe something romantic. Essential Question: What are the characteristics of Romantic Literature?
Benchmark 2 Read the passages and answer each question to the best of your ability!
Romantic Characteristic The Romantics Believed… Interest in the common man and childhood in the natural goodness of humans which is hindered by urban life of civilization. They believed that the savage is noble, childhood is good and the emotions inspired by both beliefs causes the heart to soar. Strong senses, emotions, and feelings that knowledge is gained through intuition rather than deduction. Awe of nature in stressing the awe of nature in art and language and the experience of sublimity through a connection with nature. Celebration of the individual in elevating the achievements of the misunderstood, heroic individual outcast. Importance of imagination in legitimizing the individual imagination as a critical authority.
Early Romanticism Inspired by the beauty of nature Emphasized emotions and the imagination over reason Celebrated the individual spirit
Transcendentalists Emphasized living a simple life Stressed a close relationship to nature Celebrated emotions and the imagination Stressed individualism and self-reliance Believed intuition can lead to knowledge Believed in the inherent goodness of people Encouraged spiritual well-being over financial well-being
American Gothics Did not believe in the innate goodness of people Explored the human capacity for evil Probed the inner life of characters Explored characters’ motivations Agreed with romantic emphasis on emotion, nature, and the individual Included elements of fantasy and the supernatural in works
Your Understanding Of Romanticism Directions: in two paragraphs, write about how your understanding of Romanticism has changed by answering the following questions: Briefly describe your original definition of Romantic. How is your definition of Romantic similar to and different from Romanticism? After reviewing the characteristics of Romanticism, how has your definition of Romanticism changed?
Romanticism Warm Up Writing Prompt “The Devil and Tom Walker” Homework
Warm-Up: Should people pursue wealth? Why or why not? How important is wealth to you? What limits, if any, would you put on our own pursuit of wealth? In at least a paragraph (5-7 sentences) discuss the topic. ENDURING UNDERSTANDING: Individualism is the backbone of most early 19 th century American literature. A short story must be unified; all the elements must work together to produce a total effect. ESSENTIAL QUESTION(S): How does this text represent Individualism? What are the main components of a short story?
Irving: “The Devil and Tom Walker” Page 329 While we read, pay close attention to the imagery used.
Summary Under today’s warm-up, please write a five sentence summary of the reading. Then, make a two sentence prediction about how the text will end.
Romanticism Warm Up “The Devil and Tom Walker” Homework
WARM-UP Student Objectives: Identify the traits of Romanticism Identify the key traits of a Gothic Text Explain the influence of Romanticism List three examples of Romantic features found in “The Devil and Tom Walker.”
Irving: “The Devil and Tom Walker” Page 329 While we read, pay close attention to the imagery used.
English 10 Short Stories of Early America Warm-Up Edgar Allan Poe “The Tell-Tale Heart” Midterm Exam Review
Warm-Up: Do you like horror movies? Why or why not? What elements MUST be included in a film to make it a “horror”? In at least a paragraph (5-7 sentences) discuss the topic. ENDURING UNDERSTANDING: Individualism is the backbone of most early 19 th century American literature. A short story must be unified; all the elements must work together to produce a total effect. ESSENTIAL QUESTION(S): How does this text represent Individualism? What are the main components of a short story and how does Poe include each in this text?
The “Dark Side” of Individualism American Gothic: Eighteenth century Weird settings Macabre plot Inspired in part by the Gothic architecture of the Middle Ages (irregularly placed towers, high stained- glass windows, gargoyles) Romanticism allowed writers to follow the imagination – the fantastic, the demonic, the insane
Edgar Allan Poe A master of the gothic form in the United States Many of his male narrators are insane The female characters are beautiful and dead (or dying) Plots involved extreme situations – it was only in such extreme situations that people revealed their true natures