The Journey So Far… Jane Hibberd Assistant Head of Community Services (Community Development) Sunderland City Council


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Presentation transcript:

The Journey So Far… Jane Hibberd Assistant Head of Community Services (Community Development) Sunderland City Council Telephone:

Background 2 existing Sunderland Compacts: –Sunderland Partnership (c. 2000) –Health & Social Care (c.2002) Sunderland Partnership Community Development Plan consultation events –Issue of trust –Compact out of date –Not well known about or understood Refreshing the Sunderland Compact launch event (November 07)

What’s been happening? 5 Codes of Practice Working Groups with co-chairs: –Funding and Procurement: Alan Patchett (Age Concern Sunderland) & Janice Gregory (PCT) –Volunteering: David Curtis (Volunteer Centre) & Jane Hibberd / June Forster ( Sunderland City Council) –Voluntary and Community Groups: Steve Barna (SVSYF) & Vivienne Metcalfe (Sunderland City Council) –Consultation and Policy Appraisal: Ailsa Martin (Sunderland Carers Centre) & Lee Cranston (Sunderland City Council) –Equalities Codes of Practice: Dean Huggins (Sunderland BME Network) & Sal Buckler / Dawn Osborne (Sunderland City Council).

What’s been happening? (2) Compact Officer Group & Forum established Draft Compact text Draft Codes of Practice commitments and action plans

Challenges Engagement of organisations ‘Been here before’ v ‘Buy in’ Equalities Codes of Practice – deviation from the current national format Time commitment Maintaining the momentum

April 2008 onwards Main Compact: –Finalise the draft text (Monitoring and Review / Compact Compliance) –Sunderland Partnership Board Draft for consultation (April 2008) Sign Off (September 2008) –Individual organisations consulted (May – July 2008) –Individual organisations sign up (September onwards) Codes of Practice: –Development work to continue on Equalities Codes of Practice, Policy Appraisal and Consultation Code of Practice, and Funding & Procurement Code of Practice –Finalisation of action plans for Volunteering and Voluntary & Community Groups Embedding a Compact way of working in organisations