OUTLINE OF PRESENTATION Introduction Objectives Main Ethical considerations Considerations
OBJECTIVES To be able to explain what Ethics is To be able to understand the relationship between Ethics and Law To be able to appreciate the implications of Unethical Practices
INTRODUCTION The MMC has provided the general framework of principles and rules and behavior expected of all employees; It serves as the standard against which professional conduct will be judged in the event of dispute
INTRODUCTION cont’d There is also the Code of Conduct and Disciplinary procedures and Patient’s Charter It is therefore important for all employees to familiarize themselves with these documents
GENERAL CONSIDERATIONS Ethics – a generic term for various ways of understanding and examining our moral life. In health care provision, it relates to standards of behavior. Morality – refers to norms about right and wrong human conduct that are widely shared and form a stable social consensus Ethical behavior is good behavior and Ethical practice is good practice(Fletcher et al, 2005)
GENERAL CONSIDERATIONS cont’d The Law represents society’s judgment on ethical standards. It also enforces sanctions against unethical behavior Law detects bad conduct “the relationship between Ethics and Law is reciprocal one. Law frames the setting within which ethical choices may be practically exercised but ethics frame the limit within which law is voluntarily obeyed and respected.”(BMA 2004)
HOW TO KNOW YOU ARE ACTING ETHICALLY You must be guided by these 4 principles (Beauchamp & Childress, 2004) Autonomy – respect your patient/client as capable of making informed choices Beneficence – do or promote the good of your patient/client Non malfeasance – as far as possible do no harm to your patient Justice – treat all patients equally and fairly
IMPLICATIONS OF UNETHICAL PRACTICES Unethical behavior will not be tolerated. The public demands accountability and there will be an outcry GHS and the professional bodies will punish unethical behaviors (condemnation, reprimand, suspension, apology, withdrawal of license or certificate to practice) Legal action (Civil or Criminal) by patients and their relatives
IMPLICATIONS FOR PRACTICE The era of Medical Paternalism is over so medical decisions are subject to scrutiny by the health care profession, courts, theologians, philosophers/ethicists and the public. Health care workers need to be more knowledgeable and be prepared to provide information to meet the needs of their enlightened and well informed clients There is increasing awareness and insistence by patients, clients and the public on their rights
IMPLICATIONS FOR PRACTICE cont’d Work overload, poor facilities and inexperience are not decencies in cases of clinical or ethical negligence There is the need for all staff of MMC to see themselves as part of the team and therefore treat each other with respect and appreciate their contribution There is the need for patient confidentiality and not to under disclose patient information to any party under any circumstances, unless under a court order
SOME MEDICO-LEGAL CONCERNS Staff indiscipline Poor quality of care Poor human relations (e.g. verbal assault) Falsification of records for undeserved financial benefit Professional negligence Breach of confidentiality (trust) Imputing the professional competence and integrity of a colleague
CONCLUSION MMC in consultation with GHS and the various professional councils need to provide more education and clear guidelines/protocols to health care workers on common ethical and legal challenges for them to behave ethically always towards patients to minimize medico-legal challenges There is the need for all staff to acquaint or familiarize themselves with MAB Code of ethics, Code of Conduct and Disciplinary Procedures, and the Patient’s Charter.