Psalm 36:1-4 ( Tune: In Memory of the Savior’s Love) Words: The Book of Psalms for Singing, 36A Music: In Memory, Este’s Psalter (1592) Arrangement: Chris Reeves
1. Trans-gres-sion to the wick-ed speaks; deep in the heart it lies. There sure-ly is no fear of God at all be-fore his eyes.
2. Be - cause him-self he flat - ters so in his own blind-ed eyes, that he in his in - i - qui - ty see no-thing to de-spise.
3. The words he ut-ters with his mouth are wick-ed-ness and lies; he has re-frained from do-ing good and ceas-es to be wise.
4. His thoughts and plans up-on his bed in - i - qui - ty in-vent; He sets him-self in ways not good, from e - vil won’t re - lent.