Round The Year!
WRITE 1 Y_ _R = 4 S_ _ _ _ _S =Autumn (GB)
REPEAT AND REMEMBER! January February April May March July June 1 YEAR = 12 MONTHS January February April May March July June September August October November December
REMEMBER AND WRITE J_ _ _ _ _y F_ _ _ _ _ _y M_ _ _h M_y A_ _ _l J_ _e 12 M_ _ _ _S = 1 Y_ _R J_ _ _ _ _y F_ _ _ _ _ _y M_ _ _h M_y A_ _ _l J_ _e J_ _ y S _ _ _ _ _ _ _ r A _ _ _ _ t O_ _ _ _ _ r N _ _ _ _ _ _r D _ _ _ _ _ _ r
REMEMBER! 7 DAYS = 1 WEEK 4 WEEKS = 1 MONTH 28, 29, 30 or 31 DAYS = 1 MONTH 1 YEAR = 12 MONTHS 1 YEAR = 4 SEASONS
WRITE! 7 D_ _ S = 1 W_ _ K 4 W_ _ _S = 1 M_ _ _H 28, 29, 30 or 31 D_ _ S = 1 M_ _ _H 1 Y_ _R = 12 M_ _ _ _S 1 Y_ _R = 4 S_ _ _ _S
REPEAT AND REMEMBER! Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 7 DAYS = 1 WEEK Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
REMEMBER AND WRITE S_ _ _ _y M _ _ _ _y T _ _ _ _ _y W _ _ _ _ _ _ _ y 7 DAYS = 1 WEEK S_ _ _ _y M _ _ _ _y T _ _ _ _ _y W _ _ _ _ _ _ _ y T _ _ _ _ _ _ y F _ _ _ _ y S _ _ _ _ _ _ y
Which day is your favourite day? My favourite day is Sunday! SPRING LV CD1-33 What is the 1st day od the week?
Thursday, September the third, two thousand and nine Dates In the US : You say… Thursday, September the third, two thousand and nine …and you write: 09/03/2009 in figures in letters Thursday, September 3rd , 2009
Thursday, the third of September, two thousand and nine. Dates In GB : You say… Thursday, the third of September, two thousand and nine. …and you write: 03/09/2009 in figures Thursday, 3rd September , 2009 in letters
REMEMBER! Two = 2 The second = 2 nd The first = 1 st One = 1 Three = 3 CARdinal numbers Ordinal numbers The first = 1 st One = 1 Two = 2 The second = 2 nd Three = 3 The third = 3 rd The fourth = 4 th Four = 4 The fifth = 5 th Five = 5 The sixth = 6 th Six = 6
WRITE! Two = 2 _________= 2 nd _________= 1 st One = 1 Three = 3 CARdinal numbers Ordinal numbers _________= 1 st One = 1 Two = 2 _________= 2 nd Three = 3 __________= 3 rd _________= 4 th Four = 4 _________= 5 th Five = 5 _________= 6 th Six = 6
REMEMBER! The eighth = 8 th Eight = 8 The seventh = 7 th Seven = 7 CARdinal numbers Ordinal numbers The seventh = 7 th Seven = 7 The eighth = 8 th Eight = 8 The ninth= 9 th Nine = 9 The tenth = 10 th Ten = 10 The eleventh = 11 th Eleven = 11 The twelfth= 12 th Twelve = 12 Thirteen = 13 The thirteenth = 13 th
WRITE! Eight = 8 ___________= 8 th Seven = 7 ____________= 7 th CARdinal numbers Ordinal numbers Seven = 7 ____________= 7 th Eight = 8 ___________= 8 th Nine = 9 The ninth= 9 th Ten = 10 ____________= 10 th Eleven = 11 ____________= 11 th Twelve = 12 The twelfth= 12 th Thirteen = 13 ___________= 13 th
REMEMBER! The twentieth= 20 th Twenty = 20 The twenty-first=21st CARdinal numbers Ordinal numbers The twentieth= 20 th Twenty = 20 The twenty-first=21st Twenty-one = 21 Twenty-two = 22 The twenty-second= 22nd Twenty-three = 23 The twenty-third= 23rd The twenty-fourth=24th Twenty-four = 24 Twenty- five = 25 The twenty-fifth= 25 th Thirty = 30 The thirtieth= 30 th Thirty-one = 31 The thirty-first= 31 st
WRITE! Twenty-one = 21 ___________=21 st Twenty = 20 CARdinal numbers Ordinal numbers Twenty = 20 The twentieth= 20 th Twenty-one = 21 ___________=21 st Twenty-two = 22 ____________= 22 nd Twenty-three = 23 ____________= 23 rd ____________= 24 th Twenty-four = 24 ____________= 25 th Twenty- five = 25 ____________= 30 th Thirty = 30
REMEMBER! Forty = 40 The fortieth= 40 th The fiftieth=50 th Sixty = 60 CARdinal numbers Ordinal numbers Forty = 40 The fortieth= 40 th Fifty = 50 The fiftieth=50 th Sixty = 60 The sixtieth = 60 th Seventy = 70 The seventieth= 70 th Eighty = 80 The eightieth = 80 th Ninety = 90 The ninetieth = 90 th A hundred = 100 The hundredth = 100 th A thousand = 1,000 The thousandth =1,000 th
WRITE ____________=50 th The fortieth= 40 th Forty = 40 Fifty = 50 CARdinal numbers Ordinal numbers The fortieth= 40 th Forty = 40 ____________=50 th Fifty = 50 ______________= 60 th Sixty = 60 ______________= 70 th Seventy = 70 _____________= 80 th Eighty = 80 CO ordinal numbers from 1 to 31 _____________= 90 th Ninety = 90 _______________= 100 th A hundred = 100 A thousand = 1,000 ______________=1,000 th
Round The Year! HOMEWORK
Round the year Match the season… …and the weather…
In Spring, the weather is sunny, rainy or windy! ROUND THE YEAR
In Summer, the weather is sunny! ROUND THE YEAR
In Autumn, the weather is windy, cloudy and rainy ROUND THE YEAR
ROUND THE YEAR In Winter, the weather is windy, cloudy and rainy or snowy! ROUND THE YEAR
Sunny Snowy Cloudy Windy Rainy REMEMBER Vocabulary En français Soleil neige nuage vent pluie En français ensoleillé neigeux nuageux venteux pluvieux Sunny Snowy Cloudy Windy Rainy Sun Snow Cloud Wind Rain Adjectifs Noms
Open your copy-books and remember the vocabulary! WRITE! Open your copy-books and remember the vocabulary!
Match the seasons and the months! March, April and May are in June, July and August are in September, October and November are in December, January and February are =Autumn (GB)
Now, four sentences to complete! Dates and seasons Now, four sentences to complete! Write the dates in letters… The first day of Winter is on December 22nd The first day of Spring is on March 20th The first day of Summer is on June 21st The first day of Fall is on September 23rd HELP BOX : Dates in figures : 03/20 06/21 09/23 12/22 in the US
Now, four sentences to complete! Dates and seasons Now, four sentences to complete! Write the dates in letters… The first day of Winter is on 22nd December The first day of Spring is on 20th March The first day of Summer is on 21st June The first day of Fall is on 23rd September HELP BOX : Dates in figures : 03/20 06/21 09/23 12/22
Now, practice with a partner!
Say the dates! 5 minutes a)12/25/2000 b)12/01/2000 c)01/12/1989
Open your copy-books and write the dates! 5 minutes Les jours de la semaine et les mois s’écrivent avec une MAJUSCULE en anglais mais en français ce n’est pas obligatoire!
CORRECT! a)12/25/2000 : December 25th, 2000 b)12/01/2000 : December 1st, 2000. 12th January, 2000. c)01/12/1989 : January 12th ,1989. 1st December, 1989. d)09/11/2001 : September 11th ,2001. 9th November, 2001. e)08/05/1999 : August 5th ,1999. 8th May, 1999.
Write your date of birth! When is your birthday? Write your date of birth! In the US you write in figures: Or in letters: In the GB you write in figures: Or in letters:
Play games in English. http://www. quia. com/servlets/quia. activities
M. Rousset, Collège La Malmaison (92500) Rueil-Malmaison