Overview - Study tips - Office hours - Resources - Unit standards - Tutoring hours
Study Tips - “All-nighters” don’t have to happen. Time management and paying attention during class go a long way. - At least skim over the material before class. - Don’t hesitate to ask for help.
Study Tips - Use a planner and schedule study time. Know exact test dates and write them down. - Does group study help you? If so, form a small study group during the first few weeks of class. - Groups do not work for everyone. - Know at least 2 fellow classmates’ s and phone numbers.
Study Tips - PROCRASTINATION a.k.a. the college student’s WORST enemy. - Professors will allow you to study at your own pace most of the time (not many strict deadlines or assignments, just major midterms). - Begin studying for a midterm at least 1 week before.
Office Hours - Every professor is required to hold office hours. - During the first week of school, meet your professor and introduce yourself. - Use these hours for HW questions, questions about the lectures, or to discuss your grades.
Office Hours - TA office hours are also helpful. - If the professor’s explanation does not make sense, ask a TA. - When the end of the semester comes around, a professor is more likely to make a borderline A an A if he/she knows you have made an effort to understand the material.
Resources - UT learning center (Jester 3 rd Floor) -FREE tutoring for students with financial aid FREE tutoring for students with financial aid Classes on time management, note taking, studying. - Classes on time management, note taking, studying. - Formula sheets - Formula sheets - Writing Lab (Undergraduate Library, room 211) Unit tutoring
Unit Standards - Maintain at least a 3.0 GPA. - PRB if GPA falls too far below this each semester. - Freshmen study hours (at least 10 hours per week in the study log). - Study hours for those below a 3.0 GPA.
Tutoring Hours - Available for Calculus and Physics. - Highly recommended to attend a minimum of 2 hours tutoring for each class/week. - Occurs on designated days of the week (you’ll be informed of this).