Objectives: Describe the types, sources, and effects of freshwater pollutants. Evaluate the solutions to reduce and prevent water pollution.
Question: How “clean” is the big Sioux?
Stream Pollution Flow increases stream recovery Flow reduction and overload
Oxygen Sag Curve Factors influencing recovery Fig p. 488
Click to view animation. Stream Pollution Stream pollution animation.
Pollution of Lakes Stratification Little flow Small volume Biomagnification
Cultural Eutrophication Eutrophication – nutrient enrichment Nitrate and Phosphate effluents Algae bloom → death → decomposition High BOD = low DO
Pollution of Lakes Fig p. 491
Lake Pollution Solutions Prevention: water treatment, ban/limit phosphates, soil conservation Cleanup: removing/controlling plants, aeration
Groundwater Pollution Low flow rates Few bacteria Cold temperatures Fig p. 494 Coal strip mine runoff Pumping well Waste lagoon Accidental spills Groundwater flow Confined aquifer Discharge Leakage from faulty casing Hazardous waste injection well Pesticides Gasoline station Buried gasoline and solvent tank Sewer Cesspool septic tank De-icing road salt Unconfined freshwater aquifer Confined freshwater aquifer Water pumping well Landfill High-risk human health problem
Groundwater Pollution Prevention Monitoring aquifers Leak detection systems Strictly regulating hazardous waste disposal Storing hazardous materials above ground Cleanup?
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Objectives: Describe the types, sources, and effects of freshwater pollutants. Evaluate the solutions to reduce and prevent water pollution.