Mars Geology Dr. Ganna (Anya) Portyankina September, 2015
General information about Mars 3
All terrestrial planets have craters vv 9
Craters form when asteroids or comets crash into the surface of a planet. Impacts carve out a depression Material blasted away from the impact site is called ‘ejecta’ 10
Craters give us information about the target surface and impactor (sizes, composition, material strength) surface ‘age’ or the time since the surface formed 11
Geological record I: craters 12
New crater with ice 14
Volcanism Molten rock (magma) inside a planet is released at the surface Why does it rise? – It is less dense than solid rock – It is squeezed upward – It contains gases (that expand) Three types, distinguished by viscosity of eruptions: – Stratovolcanoes - steep-sided – Shield volcanoes - shallow- sided – Lava plains - flat, runny flows 17
Geological record II: volcanoes 18
Olympus Mons 19
Tectonics Tectonics refers to deformation of the lithosphere This can include stretching, compressing, bending, and cracking Most tectonics results from mantle convection Earth has plate tectonics, as it has an ocean and hence 2 types of crust 20
Geological record III: tectonics 21
Valles Marineris 22
Erosion Erosion is the breakdown or transport of surface material by liquid, ice, atmosphere / wind, or even other rocks 23
Geological record IV: erosion 24
Geological record IV: erosion 25
26 Gullies
27 Sediment layering