Donutty Research Created by: Kay McInnis Kristen Hernandez Connie Porter
Why did we choose the topic DONUTS for our data research? To help in knowing what donuts to bring to staff training To assist in marketing research To validate that we like donuts To confirm that we are indeed “DONUTTY”!!
Learning Objectives Enduring Understandings Understanding how to read, write, organize, and compare numbers in various ways helps us to make sense of our world. Statistical analysis and data display often reveal patterns that may not be obvious. Data analysis often reveals patterns and enables predictions. Essential Questions How can mathematics be used to describe data? How can data be organized to make decisions in a given situation?
Grade Level Expectations 29. Collect, organize, label, display, and interpret data in frequency tables, stem-and-leaf plots, and scatter plots and discuss patterns in the data verbally and in writing (D-1-M) (D-2-M) (A-3-M) 30. Describe and analyze trends and patterns observed in graphic displays (D-2-M) 31. Demonstrate an understanding of precision, accuracy, and error in measurement (D-2-M) (M- 2-M) 32. Calculate and discuss mean, median, mode, and range of a set of discrete data to solve real-life problems (D-2-M)
The Four Steps of Statistics 1. Ask a Question 2. Gather Data 3. Analyze Data 4. Make Predictions
Ask the Question? What factors impact favorite donut selection in the local market? This question will be answered through a surveying process.
Gather Data Our data was collected using a survey created on Microsoft Excel.
Analyze Data Using the data collected, we then input our information into TinkerPlots.
Additional Data Mean distance traveled one way: 33 miles Median distance traveled one way: 28 miles Mode distance traveled one way: 20 and 25 miles Range distance traveled one way: 64 miles
Make Predictions We realized that: glazed donuts are the most popular donuts people who drove between miles tended to eat donuts more than people who drove less than 20 miles and more than 49 miles. 74% of people surveyed drink coffee and have eaten donuts 33% of the participants do not eat breakfast, but when donuts are provided they do indeed eat breakfast.