doc.: 802_Handoff_Work_Package_Discussion_r1 Submission September David Johnston, IntelSlide 1 IEEE 802 Handoff ECSG Work Package Discussion David Johnston
doc.: 802_Handoff_Work_Package_Discussion_r1 Submission September David Johnston, IntelSlide 2 How to Structure the Work Work Package 1Work Package 2Work Package 3Work Package 4 Editor Assembles Structured Document Work on draft text until we like it Ballots/Recircs
doc.: 802_Handoff_Work_Package_Discussion_r1 Submission September David Johnston, IntelSlide 3 Need to address the problem statements –Insuffiencient L2-L3 information to support L3 handoff –Network detection sucks –No media independent conduit to carry any of this information And attack them with technical solutions –Technical solutions ≈ Work Packages Which Work Packages
doc.: 802_Handoff_Work_Package_Discussion_r1 Submission September David Johnston, IntelSlide 4 How to get information across the link in a handoff independent way E.G. –Controlled/uncontrolled Port Entity WP1. Information Conduit
doc.: 802_Handoff_Work_Package_Discussion_r1 Submission September David Johnston, IntelSlide 5 What information will we pass? –Support Handoff –Network Detection and Selection –Advertisments Align with non 802 information –Support interworking with non 802 systems How is it structured and encoded? WP2. Information
doc.: 802_Handoff_Work_Package_Discussion_r1 Submission September David Johnston, IntelSlide 6 What triggers should we define –Address mobile IP as a primary case Do we care about end to end triggers? Mobile IP fast handoff use cases –Work with IETF to get it right WP3. Triggers
doc.: 802_Handoff_Work_Package_Discussion_r1 Submission September David Johnston, IntelSlide 7 Define APIs and/or other interfaces at the top of the MAC service at the top of any entity above the LLC we define WP4. APIs & Interfaces
doc.: 802_Handoff_Work_Package_Discussion_r1 Submission September David Johnston, IntelSlide 8 Output is –Recommendations or Text Initial draft text is assembled from the WP output WPs can happen in parallel or serial Output