Louis XIV as the “Sun King”
Versailles (18 mi from Paris) 1682--huge palace that was built for Louis XIV and housed thousands of important nobles, royal officials and servants $100 million Louis was always fearful of being trapped in Paris like during the Fronde
Years of Personal Rule Under Louis XIV (1643-1715) Although absolute, often conferred with councils and the regional judicial bodies call the parlements “one king, one law, one faith” For most of his reign, the populace accepted his policy
Louis’s Repression of Religion suppression of the Jansenists (Catholic Calvinists) during Louis’s reign banned by Louis and the Popes Jansenism followers forced underground revocation of the Edict of Nantes – Huguenots were banned from certain professions, had churches and schools closed, ministers exiles and Protestant children baptized Catholicism was mandatory
Economic Policies Jean-Baptiste Colbert centralized the French economy by instituting mercantilism Build up the nation’s supply of gold by exporting goods to other lands Colbert organized factories to produce porcelains and luxury items. Abolished internal tariffscreated Five Great Farmslarge, custom-free regions Used to tariffs to prevent foreign imports
Bourgeoisie and peasantry supplied most taxes to pay for wars Clergy and nobility were exempt French East India Companycreated by Colbert to compete with the Dutch in overseas trading Colbert helped turn France into the most powerful country in Europe through internal suppression and overseas expansion
The Golden Age of Culture The French Academy of Sciences is a learned society, founded in 1666 by Louis XIV to encourage and protect the spirit of French scientific researchthe forefront of scientific developments in Europe in the 17th and 18th centuries. French became the “universal tongue,” spoken by diplomats all over Europe
French Academy of ArtsDuring the reign of Louis XIV (1643-1715) France produced some of her greatest works of art. He was a marvelous patron of the arts. In 1648 the king assisted the founding of the Royal Academy of Painting and Sculpture.