Thinking Ahead: News 2.0 Stephen Abram, VP, Innovation May 17, 2006
News Priorities Community Advertising Information Entertainment
Preparing for the Inevitable
The Scary re- wiring of the Millennials and post-Millennials
Usability The A frame adopted from newspaper layout is not what works. Eyetools
Wow! 150,00-250,000 A DAY!
Teen SL Library services meeting, Sun 5/7/06
Second Life Library Reading Room
Second Life Library
Second Life Library eBooks
The Long Tail of QUESTIONS libraries
Great Expectations The future is already here, it’s just not evenly distributed yet!
Expectations 1.0 Search Retrieve View Print Link Navigate Read...
Darlene Fichter, 2006
WEB 2.0 RSS – really simple syndication
WEB 2.0 Wikis
WEB 2.0 New Programming Tools: AJAX, API, Mash-ups, Java, widgets, wizards
WEB 2.0 Blogs and blogging
WEB 2.0 Commentary and comments
WEB 2.0 Personalization and My Profiles
WEB 2.0 Podcasting, P2P and MP3 files
WEB 2.0 Streaming Media – audio and video
Video iPod etc.
WEB 2.0 Reviews and User-driven Ratings
WEB 2.0 Recommender Functionality
WEB 2.0 Personalized Alerts
WEB 2.0 Web Services
WEB 2.0 Instant Messaging and Virtual Reference
WEB 2.0 Device Neutral and Independent
Nano Phone, Cardphones,...
Google invests in wired … wireless A $189,000, pilot
Bidirectional wireless module Hydro Broadband Toronto
WEB 2.0 Folksonomies, Tagging and Tag Clouds Visualization
WEB 2.0 Photos (e.g. Flickr, Picasa)
WEB 2.0 Social Networking
WEB 2.0 Socially Driven Content
Bag of URLs Blogmarks Feed Me Links Frassle Linkfilter Livemarks Stumble Upon Wists Dude, Check This Out! openIBM Simpy Flickr FURL Spurl Connotea Unalog CiteULike (ArXiv) (Merlot) Links Web Pages Scholarly General Tag User Content Creator Source: DLIB
WEB 2.0 Open Access, Open Source, Open Content
WEB 2.0 Social Bookmarking
Library 2.0 Learning Community Productivity
Librarian 2.0 The Guru of the Information Age!
Librarian 2.0 Understands the power of the Web 2.0 opportunities
Librarian 2.0 Is device independent and uses and delivers to everything from laptops to Smartphones to PDAs to iPods
Librarian 2.0 Connects people and technology and information in context
Librarian 2.0 Doesn’t shy away from non- traditional cataloguing and classification and chooses tagging, folksonomies and user-driven content descriptions where appropriate.
Librarian 2.0 Embraces non-textual information and the power of pictures, moving images, sight and sound
Librarian 2.0 Understands the ‘long tail’ and leverages the power of old and new content
Librarian 2.0 Sees the potential in using content sources like the Open Content Alliance, Google Print and OpenWorldCat
Librarian 2.0 Connects users up to expert discussions, conversations and communities of practice and participates there as well
Librarian 2.0 Uses and develops advanced social networks to enterprise advantage
Librarian 2.0 Connects with everyone using their communication mode of choice – telephone,mail, print, Skype, IM, SMS, e- mail, virtual reference, etc.
Librarian 2.0 Encourages user driven metadata and user developed content and commentary
Librarian 2.0 Understands the wisdom of crowds and the real roles and impacts of the blogosphere, web syndicasphere and wikisphere
Librarian 2.0 Understands their users at a deep level – not just as pointers and clickers
Librarian 2.0 Librarian 2.0 is where the user is, when the user is there. This is an immersion environment.
Librarian 2.0 Librarian 2.0 plays.
Stephen Abram, MLS VP Innovation, SirsiDynix Cel: Stephen’s Lighthouse Blog Let’s Go!