English Romanticism Age of the Romantic Movement ( ) Early Victorian Age ( )
The period between the publication of Lyrical Ballads and the death of Charles Dickens.
The Age of Independence
Historical Events/Political Influences Began during Napoleonic Wars Romanticism flourished during periods of economic trouble Union with Ireland Industrial Revolution Debates on Reform Bill Humanitarianism was the result of observing the suffering of masses
Major Characteristics of Romanticism: Abiding trust in nature’s goodness Emotions and Instincts more important than reason Glorification of "The Natural Man" – the "noble savage" – the primitive and untutored personality Equality of people– social and economic classes disparaged A premium on detail – detail is the pathway to truth Ultimate truth Art served an exalted purpose Subjectivity Called by Dickens “the best of times and worst of times” because of developing democracy, sudden growth in cities, and prevalence of human pain, profit motive
Romantic Theatre Practice Poets turned their hand to writing plays Romantic Plays tended to appeal to emotions rather than intellect Audience size increased Many special effects, Natural settings and Details
Poetry Authors: Wordsworth, Coleridge, Shelley, Keats, Byron, Tennyson Poetry was marked by the social issues
George Gordon Byron ( )
The Byronic Hero having great talent exhibiting great passion having a distaste for society and social institutions expressing a lack of respect for rank and privilege thwarted in love by social constraint or death rebelling suffering exile hiding an unsavoury past ultimately, acting in a self-destructive manner
Major Works Manfred (1817) Cain (1821) Marino Faliero (1821) Sardanapalus (1821) The Two Foscari (1821) Heaven and Earth (1823) Don Juan (1819–24) Manfred and the Alpine Witch
Percy Bysshe Shelley ( )
Major Works Prometheus Unbound, 1820 Hellas (1822) The Cloud To a Skylark Ode to the West Wind Adonais (1821) Alastor (1816) The Indian Serenade When the Lamp Is Shattered Ozymandias The Cenci
Prose Prominent writers: Godwin, Scott, Shelley, Austen, the Brontes, Thackery, Dickens, Trollope and early George Eliot Serious critical and social debate: Carlyle, Ruskin, Macaulay, Arnold, Pater, Mill, Newman, Mary Wollenstonecraft The invent of the informal essay: Lamb, Hazlett, Hunt, De Quincey
Age of Romantic Movement Characteristics of Age: –Philosophical romanticism –Value place on individual, nature, organic art –Some skepticism seen parody and satire –Optimism prevailed –However, most of optimism associated with impulse to revolt and political reform
Early Victorian Age Characteristics of Age: –Felt impact of Industrial Revolution –Implications of science not good for philosophy and religion –Romantic philosophy still there, but was at odds with rest of world –Out of conflict came a literature of questioning and doubt