Office of Juvenile Affairs February Board Meeting Financial Reports for the Month Ending January 31, 2011
2 FY-11 Budget Projections As of January 31, 2011
3 FY-11 Budget to Actual for Payroll As of January 31, 2011 State Office also includes OJJDP, JABG, IT, Field Office, Carl Albert Interns and High Risk Transportation.
4 General Revolving Fund Status As of January 31, 2011 General Revolving Fund Budget to DateReceiptsIn TransitVariance SSI and SSA 226,333181,180(45,153) Income from Rent 4,200 6, ,002 School Lunch Program 296,658207,15118,728(70,779) Inter-Agency Reimbursements 4,550 2,518 (2,032) Reimbursements-Non-Federal 30,917 21,295 (9,622) Sales of Documents & Merchandise 7,000 6,649 1, Other Receipts 32,166 46,796 2,803 17,433 Parental Responsibility-Child Support 130, ,938 22,492 7,540 Total Revolving Funds 732, ,529 45,280 (99,905)
5 Title XIX and Title IV-E Revenue As of January 31, 2011
6 Agency Special Funds As Of January 31, Trust Fund $435, Canteen Funds 28, Donation Funds Victim Restitution Fund 9,012
7 Sole Source Contracts No Sole Source Contracts since last Board Meeting
8 Emergency Purchases No Emergency Purchases since last board meeting