Measurement Most of our experiments will have measurements in the System International d’ Unites (SI) …also known as the metric system.
Length – kilometers (km), meters (m), centimeters (cm)… Mass – kilograms (kg), grams (g)… Area – meters squared (m 2 ), centimeters squared (cm 2 ) Volume – meters cubed (m 3 ), centimeters cubed (cm 3 ) Density – grams per centimeters cubed (g/cm 3 )… Time – seconds (s) Temperature – degrees Celsius (ºC)
How do we express very large or very small numbers in science? Scientific Notation – A system used to conveniently express very small or very large numbers. Numbers are written as a multiplier and a power of 10. Examples: 450,000,000 = 4.5 x = 7.6 x 10 -7
Communicating in Science Lab Reports – an organized written report to express your data and results of an experiment. Reports also contain a detailed procedure which can allow anyone to repeat your experiment to produce similar results. Graphs – a visual display that shows how two variables are related…usually developed by plotting x and y points from a data table.
Graphs Types of Graphs: Line graph (used the MOST in science) Bar graph (sometimes used) Pie graph (rarely used in science)
Graphs Independent variable – the variable WE control will always appear on the x-axis (horizontal axis) Dependent variable – the variable that is a result of the independent will always appear on the y-axis (vertical axis) Temperature (C) Gas volume (cm 3 )
Scientific Models A scientific model is an idea, system, or a mathematical expression that is similar to the idea being explained. A model helps represent something that can not be easily observable. What are some models we use in science?
Theories and Laws Theory - A theory is an explanation based on many observations during repeated experiments. Law - A scientific law is a basic fact that describes the behavior of a natural phenomenon.