MDI towards technical design Lau Gatignon. Very preliminary ! To trigger discussions.


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Presentation transcript:

MDI towards technical design Lau Gatignon

Very preliminary ! To trigger discussions

QD0 quadrupoles Support tubes MACHINE DETECTOR INTERFACE Vacuum IP Feedback Beamcal+ Lumical Anti-solenoid +Stabilization + prealignment Plus others ………..

CONTENTS Introduction QD0 Magnet Stabilization QD0 support & pre-isolation Pre-alignment IP-Feedback Anti-solenoid Instrumentation Vacuum Overall integration Safety Backgrounds Other issues

ACE meeting 2 February 2011

MDI MEMBERS R.Appleby, A.Apyan, B.Bartalesi, M.Battaglia, E.Bravin, H.Burkhardt, P.N.Burrows, F.Butin, B.Dalena, K.Elsener, A.Gaddi, M.Gastal, L.Gatignon, H.Gerwig, C.Grefe, E.Gschwendtner, M.Guinchard, A.Hervé, A.Jérémie, Th.Lefèvre, L.Linssen, H.Mainaud-Durand, S.Mallows, M.Modena, J.Osborne, Th.Otto, C.Perry, F.Ramos, J.Resta Lopez, A.Sailer, H.Schmickler, D.Schulte, N.Siegrist, J.Snuverink, E.Solodko, R.Tomas Garcia, D.Tommasini, R.Veness, J.Vollaire, A.Vorozhtsov, V.Ziemann, F.Zimmermann

QD0 Magnet M.Modena, A.Vorozhtsov, A.Bartalesi, E.Solodko et al

QD0 Magnet Construct and test short prototype Gradient, field quality, vibration modes, radiation hardness, impact of external fields Finalize design, construct and test full length models of QD0 and QF1 Gradient, field quality, stability Design and build field measurement device for long and small apertures with required precision Tests some prototype in beam line (ATF2, CERN-NA or other) In collaboration with stabilization team

SS QD0 Stabilisation A.Jeremie et al (LAPP/Annecy)

Stabilization Finalize choice of sensors (relative and absolute) and actuators Analyze vibrational modes of final QD0 magnet and optimize stabilization strategy accordingly Design and validate design of stabilization foot Finalize integration in support tube Simulation and test in realistic environment of stabilization performance Cooperation with other luminosity stabilization systems including data communication with other systems Stabilisation for L* = 6 m solution

QD0 Support and Pre-isolator A.Gaddi, H.Gerwig, F.Ramos et al

QD0 support and pre-isolation Finalize analysis and tests with pre-isolator prototype Based on these results, finalize design of full-scale pre- isolator Finalize design of QD0 support tubes, taking into account constraints from integration Construct and test one pre-isolator + support tube assembly and validate performance Combined test with stabilized QD0

P Pre-alignment (including QD0) H.Mainaud-Durand et al

Pre-alignment Execute agreed work packages with NIKHEF Complete/update CDR chapter accordingly Test and validate rigidity of CAM mover system and demonstrate compatibility with stabilization requirements As a result make full simulation of RASNIK system with realistic light transport channels through detector Validate stretched wire approach for 500 m length Full design of stretched wire system, compatible with integration and push-pull constraints.

IP-Feedback Ph.Burrows, J.Resta Lopez et al

IP Feedback Continue tests and design to optimize latency Optimize feedback algorithms One or two sides, sensitivity to background (using detector MC) Continue full simulations, including other feedback and feed- forward systems and isolation + stabilization Studies of radiation hardness and B-field tolerance Final engineering, taking into account integration constraints Solution for L*= 6 m implementation of QD0

Anti-solenoid B.Dalena, A.Bartalesi, A.Sailer, A.Gaddi, H.Gerwig et al

Anti-solenoid Complete a realistic design Confirm choice of super-conducting technology Good main solenoid compensation Take into account effect of permendur on field configuration Minimize deformation of main solenoid field Integration with detector layout and QD0 support Validate that luminosity performance is adequate Coupling of anti-solenoid and main solenoid Protection of QD0 (permendur, permanent magnets)

Instrumentation In collaboration with other working groups, arrive at final design and integration of beam instrumentation relevant for the IP This includes the instrumentation for the IP feedback, but also luminosity monitoring in the post-collision line Follow-up of discussions related to polarization

Vacuum in IR region R.Veness et al

Vacuum Final design of all vacuum systems involved, including specification of all vacuum tubes/tanks, valves and pumps Calculation of static and dynamic vacuum pressures in BDS, IR and post-collision lines Validate that the impact on beam dynamics and luminosity is acceptable

Integration H.Gerwig and many others

Integration Work out in more detail the L*=6 m backup solution and compare with L*=3.5 m (luminosity, acceptance, stabilisation, etc) Follow-up evolution of detector designs For both detectors or eventual new detector designs In particular impact of changes close to beam Together with BDS teams, finalize choice of L* Can one agree on a single L*, which one? If needed, is it possible to have two different L* ? Work out solution with QD0 in the tunnel, first conceptually (1 year?), at a later stage also technically. Compare with L* = 3.5 m. Design and construction of push-pull platforms Optimize time for push-pull operation Detailed integration with civil engineering and services

Safety Agree with safety and civil engineering on all general safety aspects in the surface and underground areas Fire safety, smoke extraction, ventilation, RP, escape routes, etcetera Finalize RP simulations with final BDS and detector layouts Are detectors self-shielding enough? Shielding cavern-garage,... RP implications (if any) of muon backgrounds from BDS Evaluation of all accident scenarios. Requirements for MPS Design shielding accordingly Evaluate whether big shielding doors are necessary. Thickness? Cryogenic safety issues

Backgrounds Collaborate with BDS, Post-collision line and LCD to evaluate and minimize backgrounds from machine, dumps and IP Evaluate, together with BDS, the impact of muons and their cleaning on the IR in terms of RP safety and backgrounds Confirm that Beamcal ad Lumical are sufficient to serve as masks against neutrons from the various dumps Finalize integration of post-collision line in IR

And everything else …….

Other issues Continue to coordinate between different working groups Magnets, stabilization, post-collision line + dumps, BDS, LCD, CES Establish link between detectors and CES group for specification of all services and their integration Work towards full and more precise cost estimate Provide relevant chapters in Project Preparation Plan Prepare first version of Safety File

Spare slides

TopicMain contributors QD0 magnetM.Modena, A.Bartalesi, E.Solodko, A.Vorozhtsov, QD0 stabilizationA.Jérémie, G.Balik, B.Bolzon, L.Brunetti B.Caron,G.Deleglise, L.Pacquet QD0 support, pre-isolationA.Gaddi, H.Gerwig, F.Ramos Pre-alignmentH.Mainaud-Durand IP FeedbackP.N.Burrows, J.Resta Lopez, C.Perry Anti-solenoidB.Dalena, A.Bartalesi, M.Modena, H,Gerwig, A.Gaddi InstrumentationTh.Lefèvre, E.Bravin VacuumR.Veness Spent beam mattersE.Gschwendtner, A.Apyan Overall integrationH.Gerwig, A.Hervé, A.Gaddi, K.Elsener, N.Siegrist ShieldingF,Butin, H.Gerwig SafetyJ.Vollaire, S.Mallows CE and Services interfaceM.Gastal, J.Osborne BackgroundsA.Sailer, B.Dalena, H.Burkhardt Other topicsK.Elsener, L.Linssen, M.Battaglia, D.Schulte, J.Snuverink, R.Tomas Garcia, D.Tommasini, V.Ziemann, F.Zimmermann

Stabilization (2) In particular (Annecy groups): Collaboration model Continue characterization of vibration environment (correlations) Continued sensor studies, in particular capacitive gauges and chemical sensors Continued actuator studies and control loop optimization Calculations on vibration modes of QD0 and support structures and combine those with pre- isolator and feedback loops in overall simulations Contribute to integration with other IR equipment, supports, controls, etc (CERN responsibility) Tolerance studies with respect to external magnetic fields and radiation Construction of full prototype with test in real life (ATF2 or lab?) Liaison with MDI and stabilization working groups. Documentation