Being a New Parent
The combination of adjusting to a new baby and the recovery needed can make the weeks and months following birth quite challenging at times. Postnatal examination- The mother goes to her obstetrician for an examination. The doctor checks to make sure everything is healing properly and the mothers overall health physically and mentally is ok.
Due to the fact mothers need to get up many times during the night to feed their babies they generally feel very tired. It is wise to take a nap on occasion while their baby naps. The mother also will need to maintain good eating habits and if she is breast feeding she will need to drink more fluids (up to 12 glasses of water a day)
Weight Loss Many mothers are anxious to lose the extra weight they gained while pregnant. This can take time and will require them to eat wisely being sure to get the vitamins and nutrients she needs while avoiding food high in calories. She can also begin to exercise following doctor approval.
Father Adjusting The changes needed to adapt to a new baby can place a strain on the father as well. The father will need to take on many of the household chores. He will also most likely not get as much sleep which can make it hard to balance work and home life. If the couple has more then one child he will also be taking more responsibility for the care of the other children.
Emotional Health Many of the stereotypical views of parenthood are changed in the first few weeks. It is hard work!!!! But as any parent will discover the hard work is more than worth it.
Many parent are uncertain about what to expect and can feel unsure of their abilities as parents. It is good to talk to other parents who have gone through it and to seek advice whenever possible. In some cases the mother may experience the postpartum blues. This comes with a wide variety of emotions including, sadness, sudden mood changes, and anxiety. They are caused by a combination of lower hormone levels and the life changes and new responsibilities that occur with a baby.
Postpartum Depression In more serious cases the mother may experience postpartum depression. Symptoms include a prolonged period of sadness, fatigue, changes in sleeping and eating patterns,crying episodes, anxiety, and irritability. It can occur anytime from birth to a year after. Women experiencing these symptoms should consult a doctor. partum-Depression/311 partum-Depression/311 partum-Depression/ partum-Depression/312374
Treatment Medical evaluation to rule out physiological problems Cognitive behavioural therapy (a form of psychotherapy) Possible medication Support groups Home visits/Home visitors Healthy diet Consistent/healthy sleep patterns