Warm-up Why do you think political satire shows (The Daily Show, Stephen Colbert, SNL) are so popular? What is the purpose of those shows? What is a “persona”?
Content Language Objective Analyze “A Modest Proposal” and annotate for elements of satire to explain in writing how a persona reveals satiric elements
A Modest Proposal Read and annoate – Message? – Confusing – Misunderstandings
Modest Proposal What did Swift say in “A Modest Proposal”? What did Swift mean in a “A Modest Proposal”?
Warm-up When can you tell that Swift’s “proposal” is satire?
Questions Complete the close reading questions
Warm-up Review the close reading questions for “A Modest Proposal.” Choose one question you had difficulty with and explain what you had trouble understanding.
Writing What is Swift’s message/comment/criticism in “A Modest Proposal”? Explain how Swift uses satirical strategies to make a point in A Modest Proposal. Cite at least three strategies Swift uses and analyze their effectiveness in the overall message of the piece.