Machines Help people do work DOES NOT DECREASE the AMOUNT of work done—makes work easier! CHANGES the way work is done: Size of force Distance over which force is applied Direction force is exerted
Machines Powered by energy Electrical (computers); mechanical (rake) Transfer energy to the objects on which work is done Input force Force exerted on machine Output force Force machine exerts on object
Machines Output force Input force Changes a large force over a short distance to a small force over a larger distance
Mechanical Advantage The # of times a machine multiplies a force MA = output force input force (MA = OF/IF)
Mechanical Advantage Less force over a greater distance: MA > 1 ; OF > IF (doorknob) Ex: IF = 10N OF = 40N MA = 4
Mechanical Advantage Greater force over shorter distance: MA < 1 ; OF < IF (rake) Ex: IF = 10 N OF = 5 N MA =.5
Mechanical Advantage Change ONLY the direction of the force Input force and output force are the same! MA = 1; IF = OF (flag)
Mechanical Advantage The output force of a machine is 600 N and the input force is 200 N. What is the mechanical advantage of the machine?
Mechanical Advantage A machine has an input force of 150 N and a mechanical advantage of 0.5. What is the output force?
Mechanical Advantage The output force of a machine is 135 N, and the mechanical advantage is 2.5. What is the input force?
Efficiency Input work Work you do on the machine Output work Work machine does Efficiency (Always expressed as a %) Ratio of output work to input work Ideal = 100%; lose efficiency due to friction E (%) = OW / IW X 100
Efficiency NO MACHINE IS 100% EFFICIENT--friction More moving parts…more friction…less efficiency Car engine 25% Electrical motor 80% Increase efficiency…oil parts
LEVER Rigid bar that is free to pivot, or rotate, about a fixed point Fixed point is called the fulcrum Multiplies IF or changes direction
Simple Machines 3 classes of levers IF OF IF OF IF
LEVER First class Multiply force Multiply distance Changes the direction of the input force
FULCRUM IN MIDDLE! IF same as EFFORT OF same as LOAD or RESISTANCE Examples: seesaws, scissors, pliers, crowbar, head tilting
LEVER Second Class Always multiplies force Does NOT change direction of the input force
OF IS IN THE MIDDLE! Examples: bottle opener, nutcracker, doors, wheelbarrow, oar, ball of foot used to raise body
LEVER Third class Multiplies distance
IF IS IN THE MIDDLE! Used to decrease distance over which IF applied or to increase speed end of lever Examples: baseball bat, fishing pole, shovels, catapults, hoe, scythe, arm
WHEEL & AXLE Wheel attached to a shaft Rotating collection of levers; axle at the wheel’s center is fulcrum Ex: screwdriver---handle is wheel, shaft is axle Doorknob, car steering wheel Multiply force; exert over a longer distance (circular distance)
PULLEY Grooved wheel with rope wrapped around it Fixed pulley: attached to a structure; changes direction; IMA = 1 Ex: raising a sail
PULLEY Movable pulleys Multiplies force Exert a force over a greater distance IF & OF are in the same direction Useful when moving an object from above 2 rope sections = ½ force than a fixed pulley; pull 2 x distance
PULLEY Block & tackle Combination of fixed and moveable pulley
INCLINED PLANE Flat, slanted surface Exert IF over longer distance; multiplies distance IF < OF Less steep = less force & more distance
WEDGE Thick end & thin end Cuts, splits, pierces objects; holds objects together Inclined plane that moves to do work Thin wedges have small angles- ---need less IF than thick Why sharp knives cut easier than dull
SINGLE: Doorstop Chisel Ice scraper Teeth (incisors) Double Axe Knife
SCREW Inclined plane wrapped around a cylinder Closer the threads are, the greater the MA Multiplies distance IF on the screw, OF on wood Ex: jar lid, faucet
Mechanical Advantage Ideal mechanical advantage: assume machine is 100% efficient Lever IMA = distance from IF to fulcrum / distance from OF to fulcrum Wheel & Axle IMA = radius of input / radius of output Inclined plane IMA = length of incline / height of incline
COMPOUND MACHINE 2 or more simple machines Ex: mechanical pencil shapener Gears Based on wheel & axle Have teeth MA = Total MA of all the simple machines Micromachines/nanotechnology