National Retrofit Programme Keith Willcock Scottish Government
Where we are in 2012 Significant improvements in energy efficiency since 2007 More than six out of ten homes rated ‘good’ by 2010 – up from 55% in 2009 More than 700,000 households offered advice and assistance since 2009 (U/HIS) More than 200,000 offers of help or advice under the Energy Assistance Programme
Why a Sustainable Housing Strategy? Climate change, fuel poverty and the Energy Efficiency Action Plan Homes Fit for the 21 st Century Sustainable Housing Strategy Group
Our vision for 2030 ‘Warm, high quality, affordable, low carbon homes and a housing sector that will help to establish a successful low carbon economy across Scotland’
Sustainable Housing Strategy - themes A national retrofit programme Standards Financial market transformation New build market transformation Skills and training
National Retrofit Programme Tackle fuel poverty on an area basis Replace EAP and UHIS Use our £65m for energy efficiency programmes from 13/14 to lever in ECO to create around £200m initiative Sees LAs as having a central role in developing and delivering the NRP
A national retrofit programme A plan to upgrade Scotland’s housing stock, tackle fuel poverty and cut carbon An area-based approach to cover all of Scotland in 10 years Delivery role for local councils, building on Universal Home Insulation Scheme and making the most of Green Deal and ECO
National Retrofit Programme Options for delivery of NRP being considered Discussions with COSLA and Energy Companies ongoing Development of NRP will continue over the summer LA working group first meeting - 22 August SHSG workshop - 7 August
Improving housing quality Links between house condition, energy efficiency and fuel poverty Do we need a new housing quality standard – beyond the tolerable standard? Do the powers in the Housing (Scotland) Act 2006 need strengthened?
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