1 Unibanco´s Consolidated Results for the Period Ended December 31, 2000 Unibanco´s Consolidated Results for the Period Ended December 31, 2000 Conference Call - February 20, 2001
2 Contents Financial Summary Competitive Positioning Concluding Remarks
3 Financial Summary Results and Capitalization Financial Summary Results and Capitalization Net income (R$ million) Earnings/1000 shares Net worth (R$ million)5,5044, ROAE ROAA BIS Ratio - Central Bank16.5%17.5% %
4 Financial Summary Loan Growth Financial Summary Loan Growth In R$ million General Purpose Lending Trade Finance Subtotal Personal Loans Real Estate Leasing Credit Cards Subtotal Year % change Quarter % change Dec/99 Sep/00Dec/00 10, % 30.9% 59.5% 16.3% -2.0% 51.7% 41.9% 8,389 3,070 11,459 2, ,773 5,745 7,178 3,557 10,735 2, ,560 5, % 23.8% 22.7% 23.0% 15.0% 21.1% 33.5% 25.4% 3,802 14,056 3, ,367 7,203 Total 34.5%17,20415, %21, %
5 December 1999December 2000 Retail Banking 32% Large Corporate 41% Private 1% Credicard and Fininvest 10% Corporate Middle Market 16% Large Corporate 49% Retail Banking 24% Credicard and Fininvest 8% Private Corporate Middle Market 17% 2% Financial Summary Loan Breakdown R$ 15,811 millionR$ 21,259 million
6 Financial Summary Deposits Financial Summary Deposits In R$ million Demand Deposits2,3921, Savings Deposits3,7062,6881, Interbank Deposits Time Deposits7,0534,9952,0581, In R$ million Dec/00Sep/00 Bandeirantes + 50% Fininvest Organic Growth Total Deposits 1,5429,4683,882 2,340 13,350 Growth Deposits/Loans up from 55% to 63% QoQ
7 Financial Summary Funding Financial Summary Funding In R$ million Year % change Funding in local currency Funding in foreign currency Quarter % change Dec/99 Sep/00Dec/ % 13.1% 52.5% 20,975 8,001 17,238 18,527 9,064 13, % 28.1% 18.7% 29,640 10,250 20,467 Total Customer Funds 47.2% 46,21441, % 60,357 Assets under management 29,703 30,826 34,322 41,014 60, CAGR of 19.4%, 103.1% in 4 years Total funding 44.6%28,97627, %39,890
8 Financial Summary Fee Income Financial Summary Fee Income In R$ million ,244 1,368 1,449 1,640 CAGR of 16.1%, 81.4% in 4 years Tariffs and comissions Credit Cards Asset Management (11.3) 4Q003Q00 % % Total 1, , Bandeirantes and Fininvest contributed R$ 25 million in fees in Dec/
9 Fees/Personnel Exp.(%) Fees/Total Expenses.(%) Cost Asset Ratio ( 1) Financial Summary Personnel and Administrative Expenses Financial Summary Personnel and Administrative Expenses Acquisitions of Bandeirantes, Fininvest and Credibanco contributed R$ 90 million to total expenses Other newly consolidated companies (Cibrasec, Serasa, Banco1.net) contributed R$ 32 million to total expenses 5.6% increase in expenses YoY excluding both factors mentioned above ,6822,632 2,771 2,727 1, ,107 1,147 1,143 1,053 3,002 PersonnelAdm. Expenses (1) Excludes impacts of Banco Bandeirantes and 50% of Fininvest 1,837 1,575 1,485 1,628 1,674
10 Financial Summary Credit Quality Financial Summary Credit Quality In R$ million AAABC D - H 44% 27% 9% 12% 8% 2Q00 3Q004Q00 17,327 44% 28% 10% 8% 17,833 80%82%81% 41% 30% 10% 9% 22,148
11 Gross Profit from Financial Intermediation ,5013,348 Provisions for Losses (net of recovery) (276)(260)(71)(859)(870) Fee Income ,6401,449 Personnel & Admin. Expenses (892)(734)(715)(3,001)(2,727) Other 78(48)(254)(112)(303) Income Before Tax & Profit Sharing , Net Income Financial Summary Consolidated Income Statement Financial Summary Consolidated Income Statement 4Q003Q004Q In R$ million
12 Competitive Positioning - Retail Banking Client Base and Distribution Network Unibanco branches/CSB/ISB Bandeirantes branches/CSB Fininvest Network Bandeirantes Fininvest Unibanco , , , ,097 # of Clients (in million) Points of Sale
13 10,000 7,500 4,450 3,600 2,500 1, Age Income Source: Brazil IBGE (PNAD) - All sources Young Affluent Affluent Successful Beginner Upper Middle Family Older Up-scale Middle Family Middle Core Young Mass Market Mass Market Younger Lower Older Lower 19.9% from 2.1% to 10.8% Competitive Positioning - Retail Banking Customer Base - Market Share
14 Competitive Positioning - Credit Cards 100% Cartão Unibanco 100% Fininvest 100% Bandeirantes # 1 in Credit Cards in Latin America Subtotal 3,32672, , ,671297,240 2, , ,237 12,781316,408 4,14794,423 Market Share % Transactions R$MM Cards Issued (´000) Market Share % Transactions R$MM Cards Issued (´000) 33% Credicard , ,
15 Competitive Positioning - Wholesale Banking Trade Financing BNDES Onlendings Total Loans Private Banking Portfolio in R$ billion
16 Competitive Positioning - Wholesale Banking Ranked #3 in disbursements of BNDES onlendings; entered 2001 as financial advisor to 37 projects demanding R$ 11 billion in financing Maintained share in excess of 8% of trade financing Capital Markets/Syndicated Lending: lead managed transaction totaling R$ 8.5 billion, up from R$ 7.4 billion in 1999 M&A: completed 11 advisory mandates; earned Euromoney Awards for Excellence 2000 Expanded middle market presence: increased client base and geographic presence Particularly well positioned for increased volumes in capital markets activities for large corporates, credit for the middle market, and advisory and convenience/cash management services to both segments.
17 Competitive Positioning Insurance Combined Ratio (%) Unibanco AIG Market Unibanco AIG Market Claims (%) Premiums Written Premiums Written by Segment Unibanco AIG Seguros 31% Auto Life and accidents 27% Health 6% Property 14% 10% 8% 4% Others CTPL Marine cargo 1, , Insurance (Unibanco, AIG, Trevo)Pension Plans 1,454 1,346 1,519
18 Competitive Positioning Asset Management Focus on distribution Assets under management in R$ billion 9899 Unibanco Bandeirantes ,175 13,423 20,467 18,697 1,770 Market Share % 5% 4% Management fees Lever retail volumes from organic growth and acquisitions Focus on performanceMaintain solid position in institutional/ corporate segment and increase of volumes in Private % 1.88% 1.41%
19 Concluding Remarks Competitive Arena - Multiple of Total Assets Concluding Remarks Competitive Arena - Multiple of Total Assets 1-Bradesco2.9x 2-Itaú 2.3x 3-Santander Banespa 2.3x 4 - Bamerindus1.6x 5-Unibanco 6-Econômico 0.9x 7-Nacional0.8x 8-Real0.7x 1990 Multiple Challenges: end of inflation growth / scale efficiency / quality capitalization
20 1-Bradesco (1) 1.8x 2-Itaú (2) 1.3x 3-Santander Banespa (2) 1.2x 4 - Unibanco (1) 1.0x 5- ABN Real (3) 0.7x 6-Safra (3) 0.4x 7-HSBC Bamerindus (3) 0.4x 8-BBVA Econômico (3) 0.2x Concluding Remarks Competitive Arena - Multiple of Total Assets Concluding Remarks Competitive Arena - Multiple of Total Assets 1-Bradesco2.9x 2-Itaú 2.3x 3-Santander Banespa 2.3x 4 - Bamerindus1.6x 5-Unibanco 6-Econômico 0.9x 7-Nacional0.8x 8-ABN Real0.7x 1990 Multiple Challenges: declining spreads growth / scale efficiency / quality 2000 Multiple (1) As of December,2000 (2) As of September,2000 (3) As of June,2000
21 Concluding Remarks The Credit Opportunity 20% Average Loan Growth (R$ 31.6 Billion) 18% 12.4% R$ 10.2 billion 5 years BIS RatioROAE Forecast: Potential Leverage in 5 th year BIS16.5% AssetsR$ 51.5 billion LoansR$ 21.3 billion December 2000 Credit as lever for whole spectrum of revenues of a well balanced universal banking franchise