SOAM Programme SUPPORTING ORGANISATIONS THAT ASSIST MIGRANT ASYLUM SEEKING POPULATION IN GREECE The project is funded by the European Economic Area (Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway) through ΙΟΜ, Fund Operator of SOAM Programme Athens, 04/11/2015
Consortium STEGI (+): PRAKSIS, Hellenic Red Cross Athens UAMs (30) Patras UAMs (30) and other vulnerable groups (40) Consortium MELLON: NOSTOS, EADAP, IASIS, ERGOEREVNITIKI Athens UAMs (60) and single mothers with children (42) Consortium: Doctors of the World, Greek Council for Refugees Athens Vulnerable groups (70) Total Capacity of all consortiums: 272
Projects’ outcomes Since September 2013, the SOAM Programme provided services, including shelter, health care, legal counselling and psycho-social assistance to: 1319 Unaccompanied minors 460 Vulnerable migrants including: single-parent families, (female and male), parents with children, victims of torture, migrants with medical needs etc.)
Overview beneficiaries have been assisted by SOAM Programme during September % Unaccompanied Minors 26 % Other Vulnerable Groups – Single Parent Families
Most Common Nationalities of Beneficiaries
Public Information Events Three workshops were organized in the frame of SOAM: 30/3/2015, MdM and GCR “Reception and Healthcare for International Protection & Asylum Seekers” 23/04/2015, MELLON Consortium “Reception of asylum seekers: Multiple identities and Interculturalism” 26/05/2015, STEGI (+) Consortium “Unaccompanied Minors – Protection – Accommodation – Inclusion”
Publicity Material Project leaflets and websites by every consortium Survival Guide for asylum seekers and refugees by MdM SOAM Programme leaflet and website Social media by all consortiums and SOAM SOAM Newsletters
Reporting and Monitoring Actions followed by IOM Greece Interim Monthly & Quarterly Financial Report Narrative Project Report on Annual basis On site-visits and audits on a random basis Close follow up of statistics in cooperation with EKKA and leader partners
Foreseen and Incurred Expenditure Incurred Expenditure Percentage of Total Foreseen Expenditure € € € € € Average Absorption Rate is 93,7%
Thank you for the attention! SOAM PMU Mania Balourdou Natassa Arapidou Olesia Gklazatova