CCGPS Mathematics Unit-by-Unit Grade Level Webinar Fifth Grade Unit 7: Volume and Measurement February 14, 2013 Session will be begin at 3:15 pm While you are waiting, please do the following: Configure your microphone and speakers by going to: Tools – Audio – Audio setup wizard Document downloads: When you are prompted to download a document, please choose or create the folder to which the document should be saved, so that you may retrieve it later.
About how many?
What’s the big idea? Volume is the measure of the “size” of 3- dimensional regions. Volume can be measured by finding the total number of same-sized units of volume required to fill the space without gaps or overlaps. Volume is expressed in cubic units. Volume refers to the space taken up by the object itself.
What’s the big idea? Units of measure can be divided up into smaller parts. Line plots can be used to record data and to “even out” data.
relative size liquid volume mass, length, kilometer (km), meter (m), centimeter (cm), kilogram (kg), gram (g), liter (L), milliliter (mL), inch (in), foot (ft), yard (yd), mile (mi), ounce (oz), pound (lb), cup (c), pint (pt), quart (qt), gallon (gal), hour, minute, second line plots
What understandings do students need in order to think about measurement? Exposure to and use of measurement vocabulary Exposure to different ideas and ways of measuring Hands-on grappling
MD. 1
( Progressions for the CCSSM, Geometric Measurement, CCSS Writing Team, August 2011, page 26)
From the wiki: This is from Bill McCallum's site, Illustrative Mathematics. Students are not expected to know e.g. that there are 5280 feet in a mile. If a task is to be used as an assessment task, the conversion factors should be given to the students. However, in a teaching situation it is worth having them realize that they need that information rather than giving it to them upfront; having students identify what information they need to have to solve the problem and knowing where to go to find it allows them to engage in Standard for Mathematical Practice 5, Use appropriate tools strategically. The site is great, easy to navigate and has samples (illustrations) of questions for many of the Common Core standards k-12. Hope this is helpful. Mike
This unit: STANDARDS FOR MATHEMATICAL PRACTICE 1. Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them. 2. Reason abstractly and quantitatively. 3. Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others. 4. Model with mathematics. 5. Use appropriate tools strategically. 6. Attend to precision. 7. Look for and make use of structure. 8. Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning.
MD. 2
Ten beakers, measured in liters, are filled with a liquid.
MD. 2
MD. 3 (3 x 2) represented by first layer (3 x 2) x 5 represented by number of 3 x 2 layers (3 x 2) + (3 x 2) + (3 x 2) + (3 x 2)+ (3 x 2) = = 30 6 representing the size/area of one layer
MD. 4
About how many?
MD. 3, 4, 5
MD. 5 a and b
About how many?
MD. 5. c
Example Design a science station for the ocean floor that is composed of several rooms that are right rectangular prisms. Meet a set criterion specifying the total volume of the station. (this is where you differentiate) Draw the station and justify how the design meets the criterion.
MD. 5. c When given 24 cubes, students make as many rectangular prisms as possible with a volume of 24 cubic units. Students build the prisms and record possible dimensions. LengthWidthHeight
MD. 3 leads to this in 6th
Examples & Explanations Amy wants to build a cube with 3 cm sides using 1 cm cubes. How many cubes does she need? Adapted from Illustrative Mathematics 6.G.2 Computing Volume Progression
Examples & Explanations Amy has a fish tank shaped like a rectangular prism that is 20 cm by 20 cm by 16cm. If she only fills the tank ¾ of the way, what will be the volume of water in the tank? Adapted from Illustrative Mathematics 6.G.2 Computing Volume Progression
Examples & Explanations A rectangular tank is 40 cm wide and 50 cm long. It can hold up to 129 ½ l of water when full. If Amy fills 2/3 of the tank as shown, find the height of the water in centimeters. Adapted from Illustrative Mathematics 6.G.2 Computing Volume Progression
h/measurement/ h/measurement/
Unit 7 Don’t get hung up on the difference between the meanings of the words volume and capacity.
Resource List The following list is provided as a sample of available resources and is for informational purposes only. It is your responsibility to investigate them to determine their value and appropriateness for your district. GaDOE does not endorse or recommend the purchase of or use of any particular resource.
Standards, explained: Illustrative Mathematics- 5.NF and 5.MD Converting Fractions of a Unit into a Smaller Unit Deeper understanding: Tools for the Common Core: standards/
Have you visited the wiki yet?
As part of the continuing implementation of CCGPS in the year , the current GADOE mathematics units are being augmented. We would like your assistance with this critical process. Student work samples are a vital component of the frameworks which only you can provide. If you have been using the GADOE frameworks and have student work which you would be willing to share, please send it our way. We will remove any identifiers, and include selected student work samples in the revised frameworks which are slated to be released July 1, If your student work sample is selected for inclusion we will notify you of its placement in the units via . Call for Student Work Samples
Submission guidelines : Attach the work sample(s) to an in any format. Whatever works for you, works for us. Indicate the grade level, unit, and task in the body of your , and on the work sample in the upper left corner. You may cover any student/school identifiers if you wish, and we will do the same if any remain. Send the with student work attached to the appropriate team member. To be considered for inclusion, work samples must be submitted by May 17, We look forward to seeing your students’ work. Call for Student Work Samples
As part of the continuing implementation of CCGPS in the year , the current GADOE mathematics frameworks and units are being reviewed, revised, and augmented. We are offering an opportunity for educators to assist in this critical process. The challenge: Create a career-based mathematics task using guidelines provided to supplement and/or address gaps in the existing CCGPS frameworks units. If your task is selected for addition to a unit, you will receive a $200 honorarium per task. All work is to be original using support structures provided by the Georgia Department of Education Mathematics Team. If you are interested in participating in this challenge, please view the task creation guidelines at and get started! Task submission period begins now and closes May 1, We look forward to seeing your tasks. Career-Based Mathematics Task Challenge
As part of the continuing implementation of CCGPS, the current CCGPS mathematics frameworks and units are being reviewed, revised, and augmented. The Georgia Department of Education is seeking qualified math educators to become part of the 2013 CCGPS Mathematics Resource Revision Team which will assist in this critical process. The scope of the CCGPS Mathematics Resource Revision Team work will include, but is not limited to: evaluating newly submitted tasks assessing the need for additional tasks assessing the order of current units and tasks editing of current units and tasks creating additional tasks to address gaps, if necessary 2013 Resource Revision Team
All work will be completed collaboratively with support structures provided by the Georgia Department of Education Mathematics Team. All work is to be completed at the Georgia Department of Education, June 3rd-June 6, and June 10-13, Team members will be compensated for contracted work in the amount of $2000 and travel expenses will be reimbursed. If you are interested in becoming a part of the CCGPS Mathematics Resource Revision Team, please respond to the appropriate Georgia Department of Education contact below by March 1, In your response, please indicate grade level interest, why you would like to be part of this team, related experience, and the contact information for two references Resource Revision Team Grades K-5 Turtle Toms Mathematics Program Elementary Specialist
This is it. What does “show what you know mean?”
Can you help us capture this? Thank you!
Resources Professional Learning Resources Inside Mathematics- Edutopia – Teaching Channel - Annenberg Learner - Assessment Resources MARS - MAP - PARCC -
Thank You! Please visit to provide us with your feedback! Turtle Gunn Toms Program Specialist (K-5) These materials are for nonprofit educational purposes only. Any other use may constitute copyright infringement. Join the listserve! Follow on Twitter! (yep, I’m tweeting math resources in a very informal manner)