What is going on?
Starter – Analyse the climate graph for Melbourne. But first glue it in 1. What does it show about the average weather in Melbourne during the year? 2. When is the summer/winter seasons? 3. Which months are hottest/coldest/driest/wettest? 5. What could happen during the different months?
Victoria suffers from Bush fires most summers
LO - To explain the causes and consequences of bushfires
What are the causes of forest fires?
Fire Triangle (also known as Combustion Triangle’)
What conclusions about the causes of bushfires can you make from this graph? Extension – Can you categorise any of these? Eagle Eye – What is missing from this graph?
What would you do to minimise these fires? What rules could you enforce to reduce the amount of fires?
When does Melbourne get bushfires?
Climate Graph for Melbourne, Victoria Rainfall Temperature
Climate graph for Melbourne, Australia Task - Shade the areas most at risk from forest fires – annotate why you selected these times.
What are the effects? SociallyEconomicallyEnvironmentally
Task – Create a brief newspaper report about the Bushfires of Victoria Include; 1.Causes 2.Consequences 3.Eyewitness report 4.How they are trying to manage the risk/stop the fire? Literacy challenge; use a range of nouns/Pronouns and adjectives Numeracy: Get some facts, dates and times in there Literacy challenge; use a range of nouns/Pronouns and adjectives Numeracy: Get some facts, dates and times in there
How can we reduce the impact and likelihood of forest fires?