All Year Groups When: Evening of Wednesday, 21 st May,2014. Cost: £21 (less than half the original price) Where : King’s Theatre, Glasgow Any pupils who are interested/would like more information, or who would like to make a payment, should see Mrs Wewiorski in the Drama Studio. WICKED – Only 17 Tickets left Tickets can be paid for in full or in instalments (deposit of £5)
Clubs Basketball Club Mr Richardson Junior Squad Tonight, 3.50pm Netball Club Miss Doogan S1-3 girls Tonight, 3.50pm Collect your after school sports club form from the PE dept. Staff 5min FitHoop Blast Miss Dickman Staff Only Today, 12.40pm
S5/6 Captaincy Corner: Tuesday 3.50 – 4.50S4/5/6Admin14/01 – 25/03Ms McLaughlin 3.50 – 4.50S4/5/6Art21/01 – 18/02Ms McDowall 3.50 – 4.50S4/5/6Drama14/01 – 25/03Mrs Wewiorski 3.50 – 4.50S5/6Computing21/01 – 25/03Mr Brown 3.50 – 4.50S5/6History14/01 – 25/03Miss Kennedy Supported Study: Hey guys LEAVERS HOODIES Just a reminder you only have until FRIDAY to pay for a Leavers Hoodie if you want one. Cost: £22/25 Adam, Jock, Morgan and I will be in Mrs Johnston’s office at lunchtimes this week if you are handing in any payments. Thanks
S5/6 Sports Scholarship experience. A reminder that the following pupils must attend a meeting with Miss Porter in the School of Sport classroom at the start of Interval today. Where: HWB room (Miss Logan’s PSHE room) When: Tomorrow Time: Periods 2 and 3 REACH programme – 1 st Meeting Dentistry, Medicine, Veterinary Medicine and Law... Pupil Council Could the following pupils please see Mrs Kerr for a VERY SHORT meeting at 1.10pm today in Maths 6.
S4 Tuesday 3.50 – 4.50S4Geography14/01 – 25/03Mr MacDonald 3.50 – 4.50S4/5/6Admin14/01 – 25/03Ms McLaughlin 3.50 – 4.50S4/5/6Art21/01 – 18/02Ms McDowall 3.50 – 4.50S4/5/6Drama14/01 – 25/03Mrs Wewiorski Supported Study: 2014 Commonwealth Games Chief to share Sports Scholarship experience. A reminder that the following pupils must attend a meeting with Miss Porter Where: School of Sport classroom When: Today Time: Start of Interval
S4 REACH programme – 1 st Meeting Dentistry, Medicine, Veterinary Medicine and Law... Where: HWB room (Miss Logan’s PSHE room) When: Tomorrow Time: Periods 2 and 3 Pupil Council Could the following pupils please see Mrs Kerr for a VERY SHORT meeting. Where: Maths 6 When: Today Time: 1.10pm
S3 Could the following pupils please see Mrs Kerr for a VERY SHORT meeting. It is related to Pupil Council Where: Maths 6 When: Today Time: 1.10pm
S2 Could the following pupils please see Mrs Kerr for a VERY SHORT meeting. It is related to Pupil Council Where: Maths 6 When: Today Time: 1.10pm
S1 S1 Science Club When: Thursdays Time: 12:50-13:20 Where: Miss Dadgostar’s Lab All new members welcome