Unit 2: British Romanticism
Why the name Neo- classicism? “Neo” = New Ethos – Classical Poets were looked up to for inspiration/example. Also called the Enlightenment We see a surge in science/reason Poets, to justify poetry, seek to imitate science and math and precision, in their poetry
Alexander Pope: Excerpts from Essay on Criticism “True ease in writing comes from art, not chance, As those move easiest who have learned to dance.”.
Poetry is a CRAFT, something that can be perfected by hard work and care.
"The sound must seem an echo to the sense.”
Poetry is a perfect union of the meaning of what is said with the way it is said.
"True wit is nature to advantage dressed, What oft was thought, but ne'er so well expressed.“
Poetry serves public function-expressing political, religious and social ideas that all men possess but not all men can express
“Whatever is, is right”
Tends to depict universals abstractions (Truth capital T)
What is Romanticism? Romanticism is born out of Revolution: - !) The French Revolution – let’s get back to the people! 2)The Industrial Revolution – let’s get back to nature! 3) Religious Revolution: Non-conformist Protestant sects / “Inner Light”
Shift to Romanticism Imagination > reason/logic/planning “Spontaneous Overflow of Powerful Emotions” truths (lower case t) Experience > predetermined knowledge Celebrates the Child/Interest in the child. First nature =child-like knowledge banking Second nature=adult-like/society knowledge banking Individual and Nature > Society Lots of first person, taking place in natural settings Celebrates the Individual and the Common Man Lots of first person “I” in poetry