Rip Van Winkle Style
RomanticismAbout Irving In the story… Random
Row 1, Col 1 What is the name given to those schools of thought that value feeling over reason? What is Romanticism?
1,2 Irving created fictional narrators to mock… Who are British writers?
1,3 The most momentous historical event that takes place during Rip’s slumber is… What is the American Revolution?
1,4 Satire is… What is mocking an element of society in literature/entertainment?
2,1 Romanticism developed as a reaction against rationalism due to what event? What is the Industrial Revolution?
2,2 Irving was established as the foremost New York _______. What is satirist?
2,3 Which of Rip’s characteristics helps him to gain popularity among the people of the village? What is his “meekness of spirit”?
2,4 Name the Movie: “The painting was a gift, Todd. I’m taking it with me”. What is Wedding Crashers?
3,1 Romanticism is a journey from_____ to ______. What corruption/cities and countryside?
3,2 Irving was considered the _______ of the new nation. What is voice?
3,3 Name one aspect of the village that has changed when Rip returns. What change occurred and what is the significance? What is the new flag/picture of G.W./his house/peoples’ attitudes?
3,4 Allegory What is an extended metaphor/symbolical narrative?
4,1 Name two attitudes of Romanticism and Describe how they are seen in Rip. What is nostalgia for past/concern for individual freedom/love for natural landscape/interest in supernatural/distrust in civilization?
4,2 Irving was instructed by Sir Walter Scott to find inspiration in _____ and ____. What is folklore and legends?
4,3 Who is believed to haunt the Kaatskill Mountains with his men? Who is Hendrick Hudson?
4,4 Name the movie: “I’m pretty sure there’s a lot more to life than being really, really, ridiculously good looking. And I plan on finding out what that is” What is Zoolander?
5,1 Describe an American Romantic Hero. What aspects does Rip possess? What is childlike/innocent/distrustful of women/fond of nature/in search of a higher truth?
5,2 The name of the “narrator” of Rip Van Winkle is… What is Diedrich Knickerbocker?
5,3 Name one aspect of society Irving satirizes in the story. What is he saying about it? What is marriage/England’s rule over Colonies?
5,4 What is the story an allegory Of? What is the independence of the American colonies from Britain?