22 LIQUOR PRODUCTS ACT, 1989 Promulgated in 1989 and Implemented in 1990 OBJECTIVES: Establishment of the Wine and Spirit Board Sale and production of certain alcoholic products Composition and properties of liquor products.
33 LIQUOR PRODUCTS ACT-CONTINUED Labelling, Import and Export of all liquor products – except Beer and Medicine Prohibits the use of false or misleading indications on liquor products Establishments of Schemes The Act does not regulate the distribution of liquor products- National Liquor Acts.
44 Liquor Act 59 of 2003 Repealed LIQUOR ACT 27 OF 1989 Came into operation on 13 August 2004 Responsibility –Department of trade and Industry. Purpose- To provide for control over the sale of liquor and for matters connected therewith.
55 LIQUOR PRODUCTS AMENDMENT BILL WHY ARE WE AMENDING? Give effect to International obligations Amend composition of Board Members Production requirements for wine Traceability
66 Composition of board 8 members with knowledge, skills, or expertise in veticulture, oenology, distilling, regulatory environment of the liquor industry 3 officers of the Department nominated by the Minister 1 person from the ARC 1 person designated by Minister
77 INTERNATIONAL OBLIGATIONS SA/EU Wine and Spirit Agreement MAA (Mutual Acceptance) and Labelling Agreement of the WWTG (World Wine Trade Group) to facilitate trade in wine Protection of geographical indications in terms of TRIPS (Agreement on Trade Related Intellectual Property Rights) Proposed amendment- ensure that the importation of liquor products is subject to SA’s International Agreements
88 WINE & SPIRIT BOARD WINE & SPIRIT BOARD MEMBERS APPOINTED BY MINISTER ON NOMINATION Act still refers to nomination by the Ko- operative Wijnbouwers Vereniging (KWV) Cape Wine and Spirit Institute – speaks on behalf of producers and merchants PROBLEM: Structural changes within the industry - No longer representative of all the participants in the Industry concerned
99 PRODUCTION REQUIREMENTS FOR WINE CURRENTLY – WINE GRAPES ONLY FROM VITIS VINIFERA Internationally no longer a requirement Villard blanc project in Northern Cape and Free State Concept of low cost vine establishment and cultivation and fast cash flow to enable emerging farmers to easier access the wine industry on producer level
1010 PRODUCTION REQUIREMENTS FOR WINE – CONTINUED PROPOSED AMENDMENT – WINE GRAPES FROM GENUS VITIS Harmonize with international legislation – currently practised in USA, Australia, New Zealand Level the playing field
1111 TRACEABILITYTRACEABILITY Legislative requirements imposed by EU for traceability on all agricultural products Required to address food safety concerns and ensure quick recall of products Proposed amendment: Lot marking of receptacles/bottles/ containers to be made obligatory Gauging/marking of tanks
1212 PROCESSES TO DATE LP Bill published twice for comments Following bodies were consulted: Wine and Spirit Board South African Liquor Brand Owners Association (includes wholesalers like KWV, Distell, etc.) Cooperative Winegrowers Association WINETECH Association for Cape Estate Owners SAB SA Wine Industry Council
1313 NEW PROCESS Policy on liquor Concerns from agriculture is food safety Process will involve Agriculture, Health and the dti. Policy to be finalized by end of the year How far should we go with regard to beer especially sorghum beer Do we include all fermented products? Will consult broadly
1414 PORTFOLIO COMMITTEE’S AMENDMENTS The amendments made by the Portfolio Committee were made to bring about technical and grammatical amendments. These amendments were: CLAUSE 2 1.On page 3, in line 5, to omit ‘‘members’’ and to substitute ‘‘persons’’. 2. On page 3, in line 37, to omit ‘‘more than once’’ and to substitute ‘‘[more than once]’’. 3. On page 3, in line 57, after ‘‘shall’’ to insert ‘‘immediately thereafter’’. 4. On page 3, in line 59, after ‘‘serve’’ to insert ‘‘more’’. CLAUSE 4 1. On page 4, in line 43, to omit ‘‘in’’ and to substitute ‘‘including but not limited to’’.