Click to add text Northview Middle School Checklist For Rules, Procedures, and Expectations
Name: Teacher: Mrs. Turnbow Class: Science Period: Date: 7/31/14
Class begins: Class ends: Is seating by chart assignment or by student choice? Chart assignment New seats will be assigned each nine weeks.
Behavior upon entering classroom: Sit in assigned seat. Work on board assignment. Behavior upon leaving classroom: Listen to teacher’s directions. Clean up your area. Pack up. Push chair underneath desk and leave in an orderly fashion.
Consequence for being tardy to class: check How to request permission to leave room: Raise your hand. Ask for permission to leave room.
Grading policy: Daily grades 80% Nine Weeks Test 20% Daily grades include: homework, quizzes, classwork Procedure for turning in assignments: Place in your class period’s tray at designated time.
Policy for making up missed work: Check missed assignment notebook and crate. Be sure to sign and date missing assignment sheet. What to do if you don’t have your homework: Get it done and turn it in ASAP or make up during Friday enrichment. Twenty points will be deducted from your grade. After being absent, where to find homework assignments: Missed assignment notebook and crate
Cheating policy: Do not cheat. Zero for all parties involved. What you should bring to class each day: agenda book, science textbook, interactive science notebooks (ISN), pens or pencils, highlighter, last night’s homework, all science assignments
What to do if you don’t have materials: Borrow materials from another student or borrow them from me. You will give me your agenda book and I will give you your materials. At the end of the hour, we will swap back. Procedure for trash disposal: Please do not throw trash into the trash can. Please walk to the trash can and put the trash into the trash can.
What to do if you need a tissue: Quietly get up and get one from the tissue box. Then, step into the hallway and blow your nose. Policy for gum and food: only allowed in the classroom if given to you by a teacher
Area(s) of room off-limits to students: Behind teacher’s desk and lab table; cabinets; shower area When it is not okay to talk: when the teacher or other students are talking; when a visitor enters the room; when you are taking notes, quizzes, or tests; when intercom is on
Procedures for using agenda book: On the first day of each week, you will write homework assignments and important dates in your agenda book. You must have your agenda book in order to leave class.
Additional information: Sharpen pencils before class or when no one is having a discussion. If a student is at the drink machines between classes, a detention will be assigned. Do not throw anything through the air space in my classroom.