Participial Phrase 分詞構句. The life of Oprah  96 歐普拉回饋社會.mp4 96 歐普拉回饋社會.mp4  Oprah Winfrey hosts a famous daily talk show, discussing anything and everything.


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Presentation transcript:

Participial Phrase 分詞構句

The life of Oprah  96 歐普拉回饋社會.mp4 96 歐普拉回饋社會.mp4  Oprah Winfrey hosts a famous daily talk show, discussing anything and everything with her guests.  Growing up in a broken home, Oprah was wild and undisciplined as a teenager.

The life of Oprah  (After) living with her father, Oprah was assigned many book reports, resulting in Oprah’s lifelong love of reading. Because of his father, Oprah slowly turned her life around.  Being successful, Oprah believes that people should give back to their society.  Therefore, she donates much money to charity.

Short Questions  Does Oprah have a happy childhood?  How did Oprah’s father help her turn her life around?

Participial Phrase 分詞構句  ( 一 ) 形容詞子句 ( 關代子句 ) 簡化為片語。  Oprah Winfrey hosts a famous daily talk show, which discussed anything and everything with her guests.  刪關代, V  Ving  Oprah Winfrey hosts a famous daily talk show, discussing anything and everything with her guests.

Participial Phrase 分詞構句  ( 二 ) 連接詞 and 簡化片語  Mr. Lin walked his dog in the park, and he helped pick up the trash.  刪連接詞、主詞、 V  Ving   Mr. Lin walked his dog in the park, helping pick up the trash.

Participial Phrase 分詞構句  ( 三 ) 副詞子句 (When /As/ If/Because /Though) 簡化成分詞片語。  Although Oprah was successful, Oprah still believes that people should give back to their society.  刪連接詞、主詞, V  Ving  Being successful, Oprah still believes that people should give back to their society.

Three steps of Participial Phrase  一、檢查兩句主詞是否一樣。  二、主詞一樣時,刪除連接詞及主詞。  三、其後的動詞變成 V-ing 。 Ex :  When he saw the policeman, he ran away.  Seeing the policeman, he ran away.

Examples  Because Oprah grew up in a broken home, Oprah was wild and undisciplined as a teenager.  Growing up  After Oprah lived with her father, Oprah was assigned many book reports, which resulted in Oprah’s lifelong love of reading.  (After) living ; resulting in

Notice (1)  * 在分詞構句中, 過去分詞 (PP) 前的 "Being" 可省略  Because the book is written in simple English, the book is suitable for beginners.  (Being) written in simple English, the book is suitable for beginners.

Notice (2)  * 分詞構句也可以保留從屬連接詞, 使語意更明確。  Before she went to the party, she spent 2 hours dressing herself up.  Before going to the party, she spent 2 hours dressing herself up.

Notice (3)  若有否定詞 (not never) ,則置於 分詞前。  As the girl did not know what to do, the girl sat down and cried.  Not knowing what to do, the girl sat down and cried.

Notice (4)  要判斷究竟是 V-ing 或過去分詞 (p.p.) ,要 以主要子句的主詞來判斷,因為分詞構 句的主詞與主要子句的主詞是相同的。  ______ on the street, I met an old friend. Walking or Walked ? 因為主詞是 "I" ,由此可知,原來應該是 I walked  ______ from the mountain, Taipei looks beautiful at night. Seen or seeing? 因為主詞是 "Taipei" ,原來應該是 "Taipei is seen…"

 1. Oprah had a happy childhood.  2. Even though Oprah is very rich, she still gives much of her money away.  3. Oprah hosts a daily talk show. The word “daily” means that the program appears every week. 小組搶答題 -True of false False True

小組搶答題 - Choice  1.____ Oprah’s father set curfews for her and assigned her many book reports, _______ Oprah’s lifelong love of reading. (A) resulting from (B) resulted from (C) resulting in (D) resulted in  2. ____Disadvantaged citizens often need government assistance in order to survive. (A) 少數群族的成員過去處於劣勢,現在藉由政府幫忙已改 善。 (B) 女性團體常站出來替自己發聲以求生存。 (C) 有慈善的公民常抓住機會幫助別人。 (D) 弱勢的居民時常需要政府的協助才能過生活。 C D

小組搶答題 - Choice  3. ____ How did Oprah’s father help her turn her life around? (A) Making her write many book reports. (B) Not letting her go out at night. (C) Giving her a broken home. (D) Punishing her when she made a mistake. A

小組搶答題  4. Unfortunately, I ran into a man who just stood in front of the gate.  ____________  5. After I finished my homework, I went to bed.  ____________  6. He stood up and walked into the room.  _____________ 4. Unfortunately, I ran into a man who just stood in front of the gate.  ______________ 5. After I finished my homework, I went to bed.  _______________ 6. He stood up and walked into the room.  _____________ standing Finishing walking

小組搶答題 -Fill in ( 關係代名詞 )  1. I like the boy _____ is sitting in the front row.  I like the boy sitting in the front row.  2. This is the doctor _ ____ _ saved the girl.  This is the doctor saving the girl.  3. I'm interested in the topic _____ you're talking about.   I'm interested in the topic _____ you're talking about. who which

學習單  3. __ ( A.Hear B.Hearing C.Heard ) the sound, I looked out of the window.  4. ____ The child cried, _______ by the clown. (A) terrifies (B) terrifying  (C) terrified (D) terrify  5. _ The book, ( A. writing B. written C. having written ) in simple English, is suitable for beginners. B C A_A_

學習單  8. __ ( A. Be B. Being C. Been ) tired with the work, I sat down to rest.  9. __ The boy, ( A. losing B.lost C. having lost ) his bicycle, had to walk to school. B A