Directions: 1.Save locally to your drive 2.Edit to fit the needs of your classroom and rules 3.Print & post all policies in one visible area, such as above your white/chalk board 4.Re-post in a fitting size on/near the object in question for the policy
USB Ports are for storage devices only Refrain from charging electronic equipment with school USB ports and electrical outlets
CELL PHONES & other electronics must be out of sight in the washroom
CELL PHONES & other electronics must be out of sight in the locker room
Bloom’s Tardy Policy Tardy # 1: warning, conference with student (pre-dismissal behavior log) Tardy # 2: teacher conference with student immediately after school, contact parent (pre- dismissal behavior log) Tardy # 3: Referral to Dean The above consequences will be cumulative over a 9 week period.
Failure to fill all out portions of the In & Out Log will result in another behavior logs item: Rule #1, following specific directions. REMEMBER: Most situations where you are not “ present in the classroom ” are violations of Rule #2. This included washroom, locker, and any other “ personal business ” passes.
Please do not close or open this shade unless granted permission or asked by the teacher.
TEXT BOOK NEEDED TODAY! … and every day for success!
(PRINT ON FULL 8.5x11 SHEET) Large Bags Purse and bags must be smaller than this paper No draw string or nylon bags Return to locker, time permitting, or place at the front of the class See teacher at predismissal
Just Say NO… …To book bags in class!
5 minute passes!
Cell phones must be off or on silent! Keep them in pockets or purses.
These recycling bins are PAPER ONLY Candy wrappers and bottles go in the TRASH.
Say NO to Bugs No food or drink outside the cafeteria.
If this door is closed, you must have a PASS to enter or speak with any member of this class. You also must be following all hallway rules. No pass? Not following procedures? You cannot enter.