I chose this picture because it shows the destruction in the book from the tsunami and how it wiped out everything in its path. In the book there was a large wave that hit Japan killing lots of people. There was one that survived and his name is Ben, also known as the main character. I SURVIVED THE 2011 TSUNAMI
In the story Ben got stuck in his car after the rest of his family fell out because they got hit hard by the wave and Ben was still stuck inside. This picture shows more of the effect of the wave and what people had to go through. After Ben got out of the car, he was saved by survivors and was taken to a school. He was told to watch some kids while the other survivors went in search of supplies. The kids all played basketball until their parents showed up.
After Ben had found his family they had to leave their home for awhile. When they came back there was lots of trash to clean up. Ben’s life was never the same after the wave hit his home. He saw bad things and thought he would never see his family again, but he did not just give up. He had to power through very cold water and hold onto really cold things to save himself and his cat from being taken out to sea. He had to travel to the mountains so he could get out of the muddy wasteland he used to call home. After a days worth of walking he fell to the ground in front of his old school and for his luck that’s where the rest of the people that survived the wave were. They took him in and they washed him off and gave him food and water. All he had to do was watch 3 boys until their families showed up, but Ben’s family gets there first. So they waited till the rest showed up. They had to leave their home for some time, but when they got back there was a mess to clean.