锦江团黄小学 陈美玲
Let’s chant Dog,dog,what can you do? I can run after you. Panda,panda,what can you do? I can eat so much bamboo. Mouse,mouse,what can you do? I can hide in the shoe. Mike,Mike, what can you do? I can draw animals in the zoo!
What can you do ? 你能做什么? I can________. 我能 ······
read a book read a book ing
——What are you doing ? (你正在干什么?) ——I am ___________. (我正在 reading a book 读书。
cook dinnering--I am. --Pig,pig,what are you doing ?
do the dishesing
What is she doing ? answer the phone ing She is.
draw picturesing
Let’s read reading a book drawing pictures doing the dishes cooking dinner making the bed sweeping the floor emptying the trash washing the clothes answering the phone watering the flowers
Guessing Game 看图猜一猜他(她)们正在干什 么? 1 、答对的同学,给予奖品。 2 、答错的同学,则问其它的同学, 直至猜对,并给予猜对同学奖品。
She is answering the phone. What is she doing?
He is answering the phone. What is he doing?
They are cooking dinner. What are they doing?
She is drawing pictures What is she doing?
He is doing the dishes What is he doing?
They are doing the dishes. What are they doing?
It’s reading a book What is the dog doing?
放学后给你最好的朋友打一个电话, 互问: What are you doing at home?