OCR Nationals Level 3 Unit 3
To identify the data that needs to be collected to prove your hypothesis true or not. To identify how the data will need to be processed. To identify the software and tools required to process the data. March 2012 M Morison 2
Pass Candidates will identify some of the data that needs to be collected and briefly explain how it will be processed. Merit Candidates will identify the data that needs to be collected and explain how it will be processed. Distinction Candidates will identify the data that needs to be collected and explain clearly how it will be processed. March 2012 M Morison 3
“To prove or disprove this hypothesis it will be necessary to collect several types of data. “The participants must be of secondary school age (11-16 years old), therefore the first piece of data to be collect will be age and/or school year. “It will also be necessary to collect data to define the participants gender and their academic ability. “Once this information has been collected the participants favoured mode of completing homework will need to be identified.” March 2012 M Morison 4
Include as wide a range and variety of data as possible Don’t simply gather just enough data to prove your point: there may be other relevant data that might help you to see the other side of the issue, too (remember the one about Wii in school?) March 2012 M Morison 5
Don’t just ask children about the sports they do: ask the adults who run these events too. Have numbers of participants increased or decreased? How are these figures broken down? Do more boys participate than girls? Does participation change with age? Are there reasons for this drop-off? March 2012 M Morison 6
Do you want to calculate averages for each group? Will you summarise results using percentages? Or display data as single data points? March 2012 M Morison 7
March 2012 M Morison 8
Exactly what data will you need? Exactly what questions will you need to ask? What kind of population sample will you need? Explain sample size – say what sample size you will use and WHY. March 2012 M Morison 9
What specific calculations will your spread sheet need to do? Calculating averages Min, max, sum, median etc. Expressing as a percentage Calculating totals etc March 2012 M Morison 10
How will the data be summarised and how will you achieve this – will you use a pivot table? March 2012 M Morison 11
Will you use charts & graphs etc to help you analyse the data & patterns? What graphs will you use and why will they be useful? remember there are graphs like scatter and trend lines as well as all the ones you already use Will you use filters – why? March 2012 M Morison 12
How will you present your results? In a written report In a written report supported by charts & graphs How will you include key facts from your background research? March 2012 M Morison 13 Your conclusions will summarise whether or not your results support or contradict your original hypothesis.