Peer Review in the Google Age Feb 23, 2006 RSS club meeting special session
The value of peer review in finding information Before Internet -> Before Internet -> “pre-validation” saves time when searching is laborious “pre-validation” saves time when searching is laborious Fewer publications to keep track of Fewer publications to keep track of After Internet -> After Internet -> online availability is more valuable when searching is fast and easy online availability is more valuable when searching is fast and easy Many new publications - who are the peers? Many new publications - who are the peers?
The value of peer review in academia These are two separate problems: These are two separate problems: Communicating science Communicating science Justifying the value of scholarship Justifying the value of scholarship
Is the journal article the best way of communicating science? Example: using a public blog as a research notebook Example: using a public blog as a research notebookpublic blog as a research notebookpublic blog as a research notebook
Sitemeter: a better indicator of scientific usefulness?
Open science connectivity More info on open source science here