“I didn’t understand how difficult it’s going to be, when I asked my colleagues to do this testing. I sent all materials to 25 experts of our organization with a very motivational covering notes and gave them 2 months to get acquainted with the materials and answer the questions.” “During the period I reminded them 3 times but finally I got these 8 answers ( from these short versions ).”
Tested by Sataedu 2 full version testings by Marko and Susanna 8 ”test version” testings by our teachers E.g. all International contact persons in Sataedu 36 student testings Students, who are going to have a internship in Europe this spring 2015.
proposals on how the draft products of WP1, WP2 and WP3 should be improved. WP 1: This material is much too large and theorotical, and it exhausts the reader after few pages ( if the reader comes from a vocational sector ). After the page 32 it’s getting more interesting. There’s also too much quatations! WP2: The tasks are purposefull and effective ways to improve I.C. among the students. The problem is how to get started in the first place ( time, place, resource, help, competence etc.) Easier words, Shorter sentences, less is more, the layout should be visually organised in order to achieve students‘ and teachers interest. I‘m interested in PBL education, because I‘ve used it in my last work. I was waiting from this material more examples from the working life and labour market. Visuality is mentioned in Remarks many times
proposals on how the draft products of WP1, WP2 and WP3 should be improved. The material is a litte bit pressing. It should be easier form in order to adapt and become inspired of the subject. Internationality should be fun thing to practise, both for students and teachers. Handbook for students is useful and i‘ll use it with my students in a learning process. But my opinion is that we need an own international course where we can analyse al together about the handbook and those tasks. And they need guiding for the handbook.
WP3: These tasks are absolutely perfect and in general fits to VET- students. Only problem is that most of the teachers doesn’t have competence enough to run PBL or PeerReview of LL. We felt that the material is too high school or elementary school based. It should be taken more to the project based learning. _Video task is really good. I‘ll use that one for my students! We are mising the needs of the labour market. More PBL tasks would be good to include in the material. Those are useful and okey. Should we have some extra tasks about their own culture, e.g. in Finland we have Lapland, where „Saami People“ live in a whole different culture than those who are living in a south. proposals on how the draft products of WP1, WP2 and WP3 should be improved.
As an entity, the materials produced within the project are comprehensible with the aims of the project. However, the style of the material produced should be targeted more towards students. Well, my 1. impression were not so good, because I tried to read all material too quickly. But when I used more time with this, I realized how useful it is for the students. Maybe one thing is what I‘m missing, where are labour market‘s and working life‘s opinions about this. Should this material be read also by the people, who doesn‘t present teachers and students? I‘m missing e.g. the examples of real customer service situations and how cultural aspects are reflected over there. More graphic content would improve the effectiveness and comprehensibility.