Folk or Popular Culture? In your groups, take out of the envelope and place the characteristics of Folk and Popular Culture in the correct spaces on your group sorting sheet. 8 characteristics or examples should be in each column. In your groups, define the terms below using your vocab sheet. 1.Folk culture = 2.Popular culture = 3.Homogenous= 4.Heterogeneous = 5.Material Culture= 6.Cultural/Ethnic Hearth = 7.Cultural Diffusion = 8.Explain in a paragraph below what your group feels is the difference between HABIT and CUSTOM. Give at least 3 examples of each term in your response below. Name_______________________________
Generally found in large societies Heterogeneous A Product of Developed Regions Rapid Diffusion Time Varies from Time to Time Relies on rapid global connections Sharing of Certain Customs Hearths are often easily identified as well as time of origin
Generally Isolated Locations Homogenous Anonymous Hearths/Sources Little Change Over Time Diffuses through Relocation Diffusion Unknown Dates of Origin Unknown Originators May have multiple hearths that originated independently
ICONS A CULTURAL ICON is defined as an object that represents some aspect of the values, norms or ideals perceived to be inherent in a culture, or section of a culture. (Definition from Wikipedia) In other words, the things that represent, stand out, or set the standard for others to emulate in a culture. In your groups, come to a consensus on the 12 areas below on what is the greatest American iconic feature, person or thing for each of the following categories: (We will compare answers with other groups to see how well they match or do not agree.) Sport Actor/ Actress Fashion Trend Athlete Car Symbol Restaurant Food Musician/ Music Form Landmark Book Movie