Culture Shock Mentor Guide Week 6 The Vira I. Heinz Program for Women in Global Leadership
Learning Objectives Define and discuss culture shock. Be familiar with the four stages of culture shock and be prepared to share examples. Structure strategies with mentee to prepare for culture shock. The Vira I. Heinz Program for Women in Global Leadership
Critical Reflection Facilitate a discussion centered on your personal experiences with culture shock and how you overcame it. Encourage your mentee to ask you questions about your personal experiences, and feel free to respectfully ask them questions about coping mechanisms that they could employ to successfully navigate the challenges posed by cultural shock. Encourage your mentee to brainstorm about who she can talk to if she experiences culture shock. The Vira I. Heinz Program for Women in Global Leadership
Take Aways Your mentee should understand that culture shock is a normal part of cultural immersion. Your mentee should come away with concrete strategies for dealing with culture shock. Take time to go over the ‘coping strategies’ slide before meeting with your mentee. Your mentee should have identified people in their life that could help them cope with culture shock. Encourage them to think about family members, peers, faculty members, or mentors who they can talk with. The Vira I. Heinz Program for Women in Global Leadership