Status of Analysis Software Kanglin He


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Presentation transcript:

Status of Analysis Software Kanglin He

Outline  Physics Tools Project  Compose Tools  Particle ID  Analysis Event Data Model (BParticle Project)  Dst Event Data Model  Global Link and Event Assembly  Analysis Event Data Model  Physics Event Data Model  Event Tag Project  Physics Performance Check  Next Plan

Compose Tools  Telesis (TKinematicFit)  Part of BESII telesis package, by SDU  Klams(BKlamsVTX)  BESII klams0 program, by B.J. Liu  VertexFit:  new stuff, by K.L He  VertexFit  SecondVertexFit  KinematicFit

TKinematicFit #include "Telesis/TKinematicFit.h" TKinematicFit* kmfit = TKinematicFit::instance(); DstMdcTrack *pipTrk=xxx; DstMdcTrack *pimTrk = xxx; DstEmcTrack *g1Trk = xxx; DstEmcTrack *g2Trk = xxx; kmfit->init(ecms); kmfit->AddTrack(1, pipTrk, mpi, 0); kmfit->AddTrack(2, pimTrk, mpi, 0); kmfit->AddTrack(3, g1Trk, 0.0, 0); kmfit->AddTrack(4, g2Trk, 0.0, 0); kmfit->AddResonance(1, 0.135, 3, 4); If(kmfit->fit()) { HepLorentzVector ppip = kmfit->pfit(1); HepLorentzVector ppim = kmfit->pfit(2); HepLorentzVector ppi0 = kmfit->pfit(3) + kmfit->pfit(4); // user code, fill histogram/ntuple } // see Analysis/Physics/RhopiAlg/RhopiAlg for detail

BKlamsVTX See Liu Beijiang’s talk and Analysis/Physics/KlamsTestAlg for detail

VertexFit and KinematicFit  Formulas(adopt from Paul Avery’s Lessons)  WTrackParameter  VertexParameter  KinematicConstraints  VertexConstraints  BuildVirtualParticle  SecondVertexFit

Formulas for Kinematic Fitting

Formulas for Kinematic Fitting (continue)

Formulas for Vertex Fitting

WTrackParameter and VertexParameter HepLorentzVector (px, py, pz, E) HepPoint3D (x, y, z) HepSymMatrix Ew HepPoint3D (vx, vy, vz) HepSymMatrix Ex

AddTrack Utility // event data model dependent void AddTrack(const int number, const double mass, const DstMdcTrack *trk); void AddTrack(const int number, const double mass, const DstMdcKalTrack *trk); void AddTrack(const int number, const double mass, const DstEmcTrack *trk); // event data model independent void AddTrack(const int number, const WTrackParameter wtrk);

Kinematic Constraints  Invariant mass constraints  AddResonance(number, mass, n1, n2,...)  Total energy constraints  AddTotalEnergy(number, energy, n1, n2, …)  Total Momentum constraints  AddTotalMomentum(number, ptot, n1, n2, …)  Total 3-momentum constraints  AddThreeMomentum(number, Hep3Vector p3, n1, n2, …)  Total 4-momentum constraints  AddFourMomentum(number, HepLorentzVector p4, n1, n2, …)  AddFourMomentum(number, etot, n1, n2, …)  Equal mass constraints  Not well designed

Vertex Constraints  Vertex constraint to a fixed position  Beam Fit  Vertex constraint to an unknown position  SecondVertex  Find Beam position  General Vertex fit

Swimming after VertexFit

Build Virtual Particle  Virtual Particle from KinematicFit  Pi0, eta, …  Virtual Particle from VertexFit  Ks, Λ, …  Can be treated as a normal particle in further kinematic/Vertex fit  BuildVirtualParticle(number) in KinematicFit / VertexFit



How to use compose tools TKinematicFit *kmfit=TKinematicFit::instance(); VertexFit *vtxfit=VertexFit::instance(); SecondVertexFit *vtxfit = SecondVertexFit::instance(); KinematicFit *kmfit=KinematicFit::instance(); kmfit->init(); // Track and constraints if(kmfit->Fit()) {//extract kinematic fit information;} vtxfit->init(); // Track and constraints if(vtxfit->Fit()) {// extract (Second)VertexFit information;}

Particle ID  DedxPID: dE/dx info  Ready now, correction was made  Tof1PID: inner barrel TOF  Ready now, correction was made  Tof2PID: outer barrel TOF  Ready now, correction was made  TofEPID: Endcap TOF  Not readdy now, due to reconstruction  TofQPID: Q of Barrel TOF  Not ready now, need detail study  EmcPID: energy deposit in EMC  Not ready now, Wang Liangliang is working at  ParticleID  Combine the above info  MuonID  Develop by PKU  ParticleIDBase  For developer only

ParticleIDBase class (I) common interface public: virtual bool IsPidInfoValid() = 0; virtual double chi(int n) const = 0; virtual double prob(int n) const = 0; virtual int ndof() const = 0; DstTrkList* PidTrk() const {return m_trk;} protected: // PID calculation routines(include PID correction) virtual int particleIDCalculation() = 0;

Sub-PidSys class design class Tof1PID : public ParticleIDBase { public: // constructor & desconstructor Tof1PID(DstTrkList *dstTrk, double chi=4); ~Tof1PID(){;} bool IsPidInfoValid() {return (m_ndof > 0); } double chi(int n) const {return m_chi[n];} double prob(int n) const {return m_prob[n];} int ndof() const {return m_ndof;} protected: int particleIDCalculation(); double offsetTof1(int n, int cntr, double ptrk, double ztof, double ph); double sigmaTof1(int n, int cntr, double ptrk, double ztof, double ph); private: xxxxx; }

How to use ParticleID // Be careful to avoid memory leakage ParticleID *pid = 0; for (int i = 0; i < ncharg; i++) { DstTrkList *dstTrk = *(dstTrkListCol->begin() + i); if(pid) delete pid; pid = new ParticleID(dstTrk); pid->usePidSys(pid->useDedx() | pid->useTof1() | pid->useTof2() )|; // pid->usePidSys(pid->useDedx()); // pid->usePidSys(pid->useTof1()); // pid->usePidSys(pid->useTof2()); pid->identify(pid->onlyPion() | pid->onlyKaon()); // pid->identify(pid->onlyPion()); // pid->identify(pid->onlyKaon()); pid->calculate(); if(!(pid->IsPidInfoValid())) continue; // user's selections } if(pid) delete pid;

Analysis Event Data Model  Dst Event Data Model  From Reconstruction  Dst Track List  Global Link and Dst Event Assembly  Analysis Event Data Model  BParticle Project  Physics Event Data Model  Physics Group

TrackList(sub-detector level)  DstMdcTrack  DstMdcKalTrack  DstDedx  DstTofTrack  DstEmcTrack  DstMucTrack  DstExtTrack  Event/DstEvent subdirctory

TrackList (track level) int trackID() const {return m_trackID;} bool IsMdcTrkValid() {return (m_originMdcTrack != 0);} bool IsMdcKalTrkValid() {return (m_originMdcKalTrack != 0);} bool IsDedxValid() {return (m_originDedx != 0);} bool IsTofTrkValid() {return (m_originTofTrack != 0);} bool IsEmcTrkValid() {return (m_originEmcTrack != 0);} bool IsMucTrkValid() {return (m_originMucTrack != 0);} bool IsExtTrkValid() {return (m_originExtTrack != 0);} DstMdcTrack* MdcTrk() {return m_originMdcTrack;} DstMdcKalTrack* MdcKalTrk() {return m_originMdcKalTrack;} DstDedx* DedxTrk() {return m_originDedx;} DstTofTrack* TofTrk() {return m_originTofTrack;} DstEmcTrack* EmcTrk() {return m_originEmcTrack;} DstMucTrack* MucTrk() {return m_originMucTrack;} DstExtTrack* ExtTrk() {return m_originExtTrack ;}

How to access Dst Event Data In analysis source code: #include “Event/DstTrkList.h” SmartDataPtr dstCol ( eventSvc(), EventModel::Dst::DstTrackListCol) // To get Energy deposit in Emc DstTrkListCol::iterater itTrk = dstCol->begin() For(; itTrk end(); itTrk++) { if((*itTrk)->IsEmcTrkValid()) { DstEmcTrack *emcTrk = (*itTrk)->EmcTrk(); double energy = emcTrk->energy(); // piece of analysis code, fill histogram/ntuple } In analysis job option file: #include “$DSTEVENTASSEMBLYALGROOT/jobOptions_DstEventAssembly.txt”

BParticle Project  Write Particle (Charged tracks, neutrals, Vertice and composed particle) information into TDS. Analysis Algorithm can access these info.  May develop to a common standard platform, make Analysis job easily and friendly  Allow Physics groups to design Physics Data model easily

Contents  BParticle  Event Analysis Event Data Model  BParticleID  Particle identification data  BVertex  (2nd)Vertex Reconstruction data  BStableParticle  Photon, Electron, Muon, Pion, Kaon, Proton  BComposeParticle  Pi0, Eta, K*, phi, Charm Meson, new Particle,……

Analysis Event Data Model BParticle // track List ID int m_trackID; // PDG ID int m_particleID; // reference point(0, 0, 0) HepPoint3D m_refpoint; // WTrackparameters(charge, px, py, pz, e, x, y, z) WTrackParameter m_wtrk; SmartRef m_dstTrk; // Dst TrackList SmartRef m_pid; // ParticleID info SmartRef m_vertex; // Vertex info SmartRef m_bcompart; // ComposeParticle SmartRef m_mother; // mother SmartRefVector m_daughters; //decay daughters

BParticleID int m_trackID; // TrackList ID int m_type; // 1: electron 2: muon 3: pi/K/p int m_ndof; double m_chiDedx[5]; double m_chiTof1[5]; double m_chiTof2[5]; double m_chiTofE[5]; double m_chiTofQ[5]; double m_chiEmc[5]; double m_prob[5]; double m_chisq[5];

BVertex int m_vertexID; VertexType m_vertexType; VertexParameter m_vpar; double m_chisq; int m_ndof; WTrackParameter m_wtrk; double m_lxyz; double m_lxyz_err; SmartRefVector m_outgo;

BComposedParticl e Pi0, Eta Ks, Lambda D, Ds, … K*, phi, omega, … Any “new” Particle

BParticle Frame work  Tracklist duplication  VeeVtxReconstruction  KShortReconstruction, by B.J. Liu  LambdaReconstruction, by K.L. He  GoodTrackSelection  GoodPhotonSelection, by M.Yang & M.S. Chen  GoodElectronSelection  GoodMuonSelection  GoodHadronSelection, by K.L. He  Pi0,Eta Reconstruction by M.S. Chen and M.Yang  CharmMesonList, J.Y. Zhang, Y.Z. Sun & S.S.Sun  Analysis Cuts are controlled through job option file

BParticle in Analysis #include “BParticle/BParticle.h” #include “BParticle/BParticleID.h” #include “BParticle/BVertex.h” #include “BParticle/StableParticle.h” #include “BParticle/BComposedParticle.h” // get pion Lists SmartDataPtr pionCol(eventSvc(), EventModel::Analysis::BPionCol); // get Kaon Lists SmartDataPtr kaonCol(eventSvc(), EventModel::Analysis::BKaonCol); // get Photon Lists SmartDataPtr photonCol(eventSvc(), EventModel::Analysis::BPhotonCol); //get KShort Lists SmartDataPtr ksCol(eventSvc(),EventModel::Analysis::BKShortCol); //get pi0 Lists SmartDataPtr pi0Col(eventSvc(), EventModel::Analysis::BPi0Col); //DO not forget to add following line in your job option file #include “$PARTICLESELECTIONALGROOT/share/jobOPtions_ParticleSelection.txt”

Physics Event Data Model  Designed and developed by Physics Group  D0, D+, Ds tags  Psi’  pi pi J/psi

Physics Performance  Neutrals  Spatial resolution of photons (Yang Ming)  Photon detection efficiencies (Yang Ming)  Pi0 mass resolution (K.L. He, H.B. Li)  Particle ID performance  TOF (Wang Liangliang  dE/dx(Wang Liangliang  Muon (Wang Zheng)  Charged Tracks  Ks, Lambda mass resolution (Liu Beijiang)  Phi, K*, Omega in Inclusive Production (K.L. He, H.B. Li)  Tracking efficiencies (not ready)  Physics Analysis  D (J.Y Zhang, Y.Z Sun)  J/psi -> gamma X, X->pi0 pi0 (Chen Mingshui)  Psip -> pi pi (eta) J/psi (Li Gang)

 (  ) 关于 E 的分布 From Yang. M

 (  ) 关于 E 分布 From Yang. M

Del_phiDel_Theta Angle From Yang M.

7o7o Angle between gamma gamma From Yang M

J/psi->rho pi M_gg, 4C fit J/psi->rho pi M_gg, raw From Li H.B

E>20MeV E>30MeV Yang M Chen M S

E>40MeV E>50MeVYang M Chen M S

E>60MeV E>70MeV E>80MeV Yang M Chen M S

Pi0 Reconstruction Efficiencies J/psi->gamma X, X(1270)->pi0 + pi0 12.8MeV From Chen M S

Sigma_chi, dE/dx Mean_chi, dE/dx From Wang LL etal

TOF 1, From Wang LL etal

TOF 2, From WangLL etal

M_gg, ~5.1MeV From Li H B

M_ppi M_pi+pi- ~3MeV ~1.2MeV From Liu B J

M_phi M_omega ~10MeV From Li H B

K*0 K*+/- From Li H B

D0  K pi D0  K pi pi0 From Sun YZ, Zhang J Y

D+  K pi pi D0  K pi pi pi From Sun YZ, Zhang J Y

Psi’  pi+ pi- J/Psi, J/Psi  mu+ mu-, raw From Li G

Psi’  pi+ pi- J/Psi, J/Psi  mu+ mu-, 4C Fit From Li. G

Next Plan  Finish EmcPID  More Manpower in ParticleID  Tracking and PID efficiencies check  Applying Kalman filter in KinematicFit and VertexFit  Start 1st Vertex Reconstruction  Continue the BParticle project  Design and develop the EVENT TAG project  Some Physics Analysis Tools (BWFIT, ROOFit,… etc)  Applying more generator in future