Semantic Web COMS 6135 Class Presentation Jian Pan Department of Computer Science Columbia University Web Enhanced Information Management
Semantic Web An extension to the World Wide Web to make the web readable by machines, computers or software agents. Goal achieved by adding metadata into web pages to describe data or info about the page, thus making the pages “ machine understandable ”. Not necessarily will it make computers fully intelligent or self- aware, but it will make machine more able to find, integrate information, and also make inference. It derived from Tim Berners-Lee ’ s vision of the web as a universal medium for data, information, and knowledge exchange.
Motivation of Semantic Web Data in daily application are scattered in different formats computers can ’ t understand or utilize. Spreadsheets, Data in a relational DB, Data on your own desktop Information on the web today are represented in natural language computers can ’ t understand. Many tasks today require to combine data of different format on the Web Hotel and car rental info may come from different sites We can use machine to integrate, create association on data, make inference on data if we can represent data in a machine understandable language: Metadata: visible to machines, invisible to human
An Example Application: Buying a DVD online Web Site MetaData Machine Agent Automatically process and make inference on data Web Site1 Traditional WebSemantic Web Site MetaData Site MetaData Search Final Result
Components: XML XML: compliments HTML by adding tags that can describe the data. Machine codes such as Web Crawler thus can understand the data.
Components: RDF RDF: Resource Description Framework: identifies a resource with its location and relations to other resources on the Web. Everything on the Web is a resource, and can be described in RDF terms
Components: RDF(1) Example RDF snippets <rdf:type rdf:BlockbusterMovie rdf:resource= " /rdf-schema#BlockbusterMovie"/> <rdf:type rdf:Movie rdf:resource= " /rdf-schema#Movie"/>
Components: RDF(2) RDF have three components: Subject, Property, Value SubjectValue Property Spiderman 3 Is a kind of Blockbuster movie
Components: RDF(3) A network of resources described by RDF can form a resource network
Components: RDF(4) Semantic Web will enable software agents to make inference on resources described using RDF Spiderman 3 Blockbuster Movie rdf:type rdf:IsAClassOf
Components: URI URI (Unified Resource Identifiers): the computer needs to be directed to where the resource is located Every resource can be described by a URI. URI not URL, doesn ’ t have to be a Web link, can be the computer on your refrigerator !
Components: URI(2) <rdf:type rdf:BlockbusterMovie rdf:resource= " /rdf-schema#BlockbusterMovie"/> <rdf:type rdf:Movie rdf:resource= " /rdf-schema#Movie"/> URI
To Enable Further Inference Capabilities We need to describe the data in more detail: Ontology : a vocabulary that tries to describe a resource and how their relationship with each other. Human understand words, but computer need a dictionary to look up what the words mean, how they connect to each other to build its logic connections.
Components: Ontology Spiderman3 Tobey MaguireKirsten Dunst BlockBuster Movie Stars in Is a kind of Stars in
Example Revisited: Buying a DVD online The entire workflow of buying a DVD online in a semantic web would be as follows: The websites adds metadata to each DVD item to be readable by computers or software agents The metadata would be in XML formatted RDF tags. RDF will describe in full all properties of the DVD item There will be a coherent industry ontology created to describe each DVD item shared by all online DVD stores Software agents on the client side traverse all DVD item metadata from different stores and return the desired search results to the user The results returned by the agent will improve by inference what the user intend to search for.
Typical Applications Symptom diagnosis: doctors informed of the patient ’ s symptoms will not always be able to determine the disease. Semantic Web using inference based on other online resources will make better suggestions for the doctor to choose Biomedical applications: data mining to build connections between certain genes or protein structure of medicine with clinical trial results by using inference.
ChallengesChallenges Many ontology are very difficult to create: use modularization (create only part of the ontology) Debate of whether using rule based inference is better or using ontology based reasoning is better Trust: can we trust the metadata provided? Who ’ is authorized to publish what metadata? Improve the efficiency of the inference algorithms Governance: no one can monitor all the rules, data in the Semantic Web
Thank You !
ReferencesReferences Semantic Web - XML2000 by Tim Berners-Lee, Introduction to the Semantic Web, Ivan Herman, International Conference on Semantic Web & Digital Libraries, 2007/02/21, Bangalore, India. Semantic Web: Building on What Exists, 2006/04/04,Tim Berners-Lee, MIT Information Technology Conference keynote